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Y%S ,xldfõ ¥IKh jeäfj,d
¥IK ixcdkk o¾Ylfha
ia:dk 12 lska Y%S ,xldj miqmig .syska

Y%S ,xldfõ ¥IKh ;jÿr;a by, f.dia we;s njla g%dkafmarkais bkag¾keIk,a wdh;kh úiska jd¾Islj t<s olajkq ,nk f.da,Sh ¥IK ixcdkk o¾Ylh 2016 ^Corruption Perception Index - CPI&" jd¾;djg wkqj fmkajhs' rgj,a 176 la w;=ßka Y%S ,xldj 95 jeks ia:dkhg m;aj ;sfí'

2015 jif¾ fuu jd¾;djg wkqj rgj,a 168 la w;=ßka 83 jeks ia:dkhg Y%S ,xldj ysñj ;snq‚'

hï rgl rdcH wxYh fld;rï ÿrlg ¥Is; o ke;so hk j. fuu wOHhkfhka fy<sorõ jk nj g%dkafmarkais bkag¾keIk,a wdh;kh m%ldY lr isà' 0 isg 100 olajd isÿlrkq ,nk fYa‚.; lsÍï fuu wOHhkfha § wkdjrKh flfrkq ,nk w;r tys§ 100 w.hg wdikak ùu ¥Is; nj wvqu rgj,a f,i;a" 0 w.hhg wdikak ùu ¥Is; núka by<u rgj,a f,i;a j¾.SlrKh flfrkq we;'

2015 jif¾ § fuu wOHhkhg wkqj ,l=Kq 37la" Y%S ,xldj bÈßfhka igykaj ;snqKq w;r 2016 jif¾ § tu w.h 36 la olajd my; jeà we;'

fvkaud¾lh iy kjiS,ka;h ,l=Kq 90 ne.ska ,nd fuu igyfka ¥Is; núka wvq m%uqL rgj,a njg m;aj we;s w;r ,l=Kq 10 la ,nd we;s fidaud,shdj" fuu j¾.SlrKh wkqj ¥Is;u rg f,iska 176 jk ia:dkhg m;aj ;sfí'

fuu jd¾;djg wkqj bkaÈhdj ,l=Kq 40 la ,nd 79 ia:dkhg m;aj ;sfnk w;r 2014 jif¾ § ,l=Kq 38 ne.ska ,nd .ksñka Y%S ,xldj iy bkaÈhdj iu ia:dk ysñlr f.k ;snq‚' fï wkqj f.ù .sh jir fol ;=< § rcH wxYh ¥IKh ùu ;jÿrg;a Y%S ,xldfjka olakg ,efnk w;r bkaÈhdfõ tu ;;a;ajfha wvq ùula jd¾;d fõ'

2015 o¾Ylfha§ Y%S ,xldjg ysñ;ek

2016 o¾YlfhaÈ Y%S ,xldjg ysñ ;ek

f,dalfha ¥IKfhka f;dr rgj,a

f,dalfha ¥IKfhka f;dr rgj,a

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