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fldam%,a " uy o< r<g yiq ù
uqyqfoa .sf,ñka isá ;reKhka fofokdj
Èú fkd;ld uqyqog mek fírd .kS

fofkdaodyla n,d isáoa§ Èfha .s,S Ôú;laIhg m;aùug .sh o%úv ;reKhka fofokl=f.a Èú fírd.ekSug hqo yuqod fldam%,ajrhl= iu;a úh'

bl=;a 16od miajre y;rg muK fmaÿre;=vqj ëjr ceáh keröug meñKs fk,a,swä m%foaYfha isú,a jeishka msßila fmaÿre;=vqj ceáh wdikakfha Èh kEug f.dia isáh§ uqyqfoa r< myrg yiqj fudjqka fofokd óg¾ ishhla muK wE;g .idf.k f.dia ;sfí'
mqoa.,hka fofokl= r< myrg .idf.k hoa§ úYd, msßila ta foi n,d isg we;s w;r lsisjl=;a oeä r< ;;a;ajh yuqfõ Tjqka fírd.ekSug bÈßm;aj ke;'

Y%S ,xld isxy frðfïka;=j udOH fj; ksl=;a lr we;s ksfõokhlg wkqj úkdä 30la jeks flá ld,hl§ Èfha .s¨‍Kq mqoa.,hka fofokdf.a Èú .,jd .ekSug 551 jeks n<fiakd uQ,ia:dkfha fiajfha kshq;= fldam%,a tï' ã' iqks,a uy;d iu;aj ;sfí'

isoaêfhka wk;=rg ,laj we;af;a fõ,shdkkaoka" ;=kakdf,a ,smskfha mÈxÑ fjÜáfõ,a Y%S ldka;ka l%sIakfõ,a ^32& iy Tyqf.a ñ;=rl= jk kjr;akï iqkaorï ^31& hk whhs'

isoaêh isÿjk wjia:dfõ fuu ks,Odßhd n<fiakd uQ,ia:dkfha uqrm;s jYfhka rdcldßh Ndr.ekSu i|yd iQodkñka isg we;'

laI‚lj l%shd;aul ù we;s Tyq wi, ëjr .ïudkfha êjrhl=g wh;a fndaÜgqjla /f.k Tyqf.a oeä wleue;a; u; Tyqo iuÛ ÈhU fj; f.dia urKh wìhi isá fofokdu wk;=ßka uqod .ekSug iu;aj ;sfí'

Ôú;hg we;s wjodku fkd;ld ;u ìßh yd orejka .ek mjd fkd;ld hqo yuqod fin<l= jYfhka ia:dfkdaÑ; m%{dfjka l%shd lsÍu ksid jákd Ôú; folla fírd.ekSug yels jQ nj hqo yuqodj ksfõokh lr ;sfí'

iafõÉPdfjkau bÈßm;a ù Èfha .s,Sug .sh fofokl= fírd .ekSfï úl%udkaú;h fya;=fjka hdmkh m%foaYfha isú,a jeishka hqoaO yuqodj flfrys Tjqkaf.a oeä úYajdihg yd f.!rjdorhg md;% ùug uy;a rel=,la jk nj Y%S ,xld isxy frðfïka;=fõ fïc¾ mS' ví,sõ' tia' î' wfí;s,l uy;df.a wiaikska hq;=j ksl=;a lr we;s ksfõokfha jeäÿrg;a i|yka lr ;sfí'

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