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,xldmq;% ysgmq iNdm;s
,ika; .=Kj¾Okf.a
fm;aiug wjir

,xldmq;% ixj¾Ok nexl=fõ ysgmq iNdm;s ,ika; .=Kj¾Ok uy;d úiska fYa%IaGdêlrKh fj; f.dkq lr ;snq uQ,sl whs;sjdislï fm;aiu úNd.hg .ekSug wjir § we;ehs jd¾;d fõ'

ta" w.úksiqrejßhf.a m%Odk;ajfhka hq;a úksiqrejre fofofkl= úisks' 

,ika; .=Kj¾Ok uy;d úiska fYa%IaGdêlrKh fj; f.dkq lr we;s fuu fm;aiu uÛska uy nexl=fõ nexl= wëlaIK wOHlaIl jrhd úiska .=Kj¾Ok uy;d ,xldmq;% ixj¾Ok nexl=fõ iNdm;s Oqrh oeÍug kqiqÿiq mqoa.,fhl= f,i f.k ;snq ;SrKh wNsfhda.hg ,la fldg we;'

tfiau ,ika; .=Kj¾Ok uy;d úiska udOH yuqjl§ nexl=fõ ;;a;ajh ms<sn| f;dr;=re wkdjrKh lsÍu yd iDcq l<ukdlrK lghq;=j, fh§u uy nexl=fõ nexl= wëlaIK wOHlaIl jrhd Tyq wod, Oqrfhka bj;a lsÍug fya;= f,i olajd ;sfí'

kuq;a" ,ika; .=Kj¾Ok uy;df.a kS;s{jrhd f,i fmkS isá y¾I m%kdkaÿ úiska wjOdrK lrkq ,enqfõ nexl= mk; hgf;a ,ika; .=Kj¾Ok uy;d bj;a lsÍug y nexl=fõ nexl= wëlaIK wOHlaIl jrhdg lsisÿ n,hla fkdue;s njhs'

flfia kuq;a fuu fm;aifï jeo.;alu i,ld neÆ wêlrKh úiska uehs 3 Èk m%uqL;djh foñka kvqj úNd. lsÍug ;SrKh lr ;sfí'

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