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msmsÍu;a tlal ydks isÿjqKd
fõÈldjg;a hï ;ekla fokak n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd
È,sks ,laud,s

fï Èkj, úldYh fjk ,jiaidk isysfka, yd ,isl=re,ka;fha, lshk fg,s kdgHh yryd Tn olsk È,sks ,laud,s ckm%sh fhdjqka ks<shls' mqxÑ ;srhg" iskud ;srhg fukau fõÈldjgo tlfia odhl;ajh imhk È,sks Wodfjk wÆ;a wjqreoafoa wÆ;a jev lghq;=

lsysmhlgu iqodkñka isáhs' fï wjqreoafo kï ;sfhk f,dl=u n,dfmdfrd;a;=j ;uhs yodf.k hk uf.a f.or jev ál bjr lrk tl' yodf.k hñka boaÈ ;uhs fldia.u" Yd,dj hqoyuqod l÷jqf¾ msmsÍu isoaO jqfKa' ta msmsÍu;a tlal ydks isÿjqKd'

b;ska fï wjqreoafoa f.or ishÆ jev lghq;= ish,a, bjr lrkak n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd' Bg wu;rj iqmqreÿ mßÈ rx.k lghq;=j,g jeä ld,hla fjka lrkak ie,iqï lr,d ;sfhkjd' ud odhl jqK fg,s ks¾udK 7la ú;r wdrïN jk wÆ;a wjqreoafoa úldYh fjkak kshñ; fj,d ;sfhkjd' Bg wu;rj fõÈldjg;a hï ;ekla fokak 2017 jifrÈ n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd'

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