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ÔtiamS ma,ia 
nÿ iykh l%shd;aulhs

jir y;l ld,hla Y%S ,xldjg wysñj ;snQ GSP+ weÛÆï nÿ iykh kej; Y%S ,xldjg ,nd §ug hqfrdamd fldñiu ;SrKh fldg ;sfnkjd' rcfha Yla;su;a úfoaY in|;djhka iy m%;sm;a;s u; wd¾:slfha yerjqï ,laIhla Ô'tia'mS' ma,ia ;Srenÿ iykh ,eîu;a iuÛ ks¾udKh jQ njhs rcfha wdrxÑ ud¾. mjikafka' meje;s rch tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï m%{ma;shg wkqj udkj ysñlï flfrys wjOdkh fhduq fkdlsÍu fya;=fjka 2009 jif¾ isg hqfrdamd ix.ufha Ô'tia'mS' ma,ia iykh Y%S ,xldjg wysñ jqKd' Y%S ,xldfõ wmkhk j,ska ishhg 30lg wdikak m%;sY;hla wmkhkh lrkafka hqfrdamd fj<| fmd,ghs' 

hqfrdamd ix.ï we.Æï fj<| fmd< Y%S ,xldfõ m%Odku we.Æï fj<| fmd,hs" GSP+ iykh hgf;a wmkhk NdKav 7500lg nÿ wdjrK ysñ jkq we;' fï ksid weußld fj<| fmd<g iy hqfrdamd l,dmfha rgj,a 26lg NdKav wmkhkh lsÍfï§ ;Sre nÿ j,ska f;drj fj<| fmd,g msúiSug Y%S ,xldjg yels yels jkq we;'

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