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wêl msá iys; wdydr ,fgdaia‌Ü‌,
lr lEfuka ms<sld wjodkula‌

wêl msá iys; mdka" w," Ñmaia‌ yd t<j¿ j¾. wêl WIaK;ajhla‌ hgf;a ÿUqre meye .ekafjk f;la‌ lr lsÍu ^fgdaia‌Ü‌& uÛska ms<sld ldrl ridhk o%jHhla‌ jk ,wel%s,uhsâ, ksmoùu ksid tajd wdydrhg .ekSu fi!LHhg ydks lr nj tla‌i;a rdcOdksfha wdydr úoHd{hka úiska isÿ lrk ,o m¾fhaIKj,§ wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'
fuu ;;a;ajh u; tu msá wêlj wvx.= wdydr j¾. yels;dla‌ ÿUqre meye .ekafjk f;la‌ lr fkdlr rkajka meyehg yqre ly j¾K .ekafjk f;la‌ wvq WIaK;ajhl lr lsÍfuka ms<sld ldrl ridhk o%jHh ksmoùu j<la‌jd .; yels nj tu úoHd{fhda fmkajd fo;s'

wuq w¾;dm,a w, YS;lrKhl ;ekam;a lsÍfukao fuu ˜‍wel%s,uhsâ˜‍ kue;s ms<sld ldrl ridhk o%jH ksmoùu isÿ jk nj m¾fhaIKj,§ ikd: ù we;ehs Tjqyq lshd isá;s' fï ksid wuq w¾;dm,a isis,a ia‌:dkhl fi,aishia‌ wxYl 6 g wvq WIaK;ajhla‌ hgf;a ;ekam;a lr ;nd .; hq;= nj m¾fhaIK jd¾;d ola‌j;s'

fgdaia‌Ü‌ lsÍfï§ fukau fi,aishia‌ wxYl 120 g jeä WIaK;ajhla‌ hgf;a fíla‌ lsÍfï§ yd .s%,a lsÍfï§ ,wel%s,uhsâ, kue;s ms<sld ldrl ridhk o%jH ksmofjk nj wkdjrKh ù ;sfí'

is.rÜ‌ ÿfuyso fuu ,wel%s,uhsâ, kue;s ridhk o%jH úYd, jYfhka wka;¾.;j mj;S'

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