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iqkaor fj,ahdhla wi,
.eñ iqkaor;ajh úÈñka
m;sl=,hg .sh wÆ;a  mrïmrdfõ
wmQre ux.,Hh

wfmalu wu;lúf.k hk ngysr mkafkg yev .efik iudchl isÿ jQ wmQre újdy ux.,H W;aijhl Pdhdrem lsysmhla fï Èkj, wka;¾cd,h mqrd ießirñka mj;skjd'

wo ldf,a ux.,H W;aij .kafka f,dl= f,dl= fydag,aj, fyda W;aij Yd,dj,hs' ta ngysr l%uhghs' kuq;a fï újdy ux.,Hfha úfYaI;ajh jkafka w;S; .eñ l%uhg fidndoyu weiqre lrf.k isÿ lsÍuhs'

fuf,i iqkaor fj,ahdhla whskl w;S;l%uhg újdy ux., pdß;% isÿ lrñka f,dl= wdo¾Yhla ,nd ÿkafka TIs iy hika; ux., hqj<hs' fï Pdhdrem f*ianqla iudc cd, wvúhg uqod yer,d ;sfhkafka Elegant Studio kue;s f*ianqla msgqjla Tiafiahs'

my; Pdhdremj,ska tu ux., W;aijfha ;snQ .eñlu yd jákdlu oeln,d.; yelshs''

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