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fmïj;shf.a wysñjqKq fldKavh
wdof¾g ndOdjla lr fkd.;a fmïj;d

wdof¾ lshk wl=re y;r we;=f,a f,dl= w¾:hla f,dl= Yla;shla .eí fj,d ;sfhkjd'ta;a ta wdof¾ msú;=renj wdof¾ jákdlu yÿkk yoj;a f.dvla wvqhs'

yfï mdgg" i,a,sj,g" yeÛSug wdof¾ úlsfKk fï f,dafla we;=f,u ta wdof¾ fjkqfjka Ôj;a fjk ñksiaiq;a ´kE ;rï fï iudfcÈ wmsg yuqfjkjd'

wms fï úÈyg wdof¾ .ek lshkak ys;=fõ iem iïm;aj,g ,iaikg wdof¾ lrk ñksiaiq w;f¾ yoj;g wjxlju wdof¾ lrk ;reKfhla ksihs'

Tyq kñka rkais÷ fokqjka' rkais÷ mÈxÑfj,d bkafka .d,af,a' rkais÷ wdofrka ne¢,d bkak ;re‚hf.a T¨‍fõ we;sjqKq ;=jdf,lg lrmq fnfy;la úi fj,d mqxÑ ldf,Èu thdf.a fldKafâ wysñ fj,d'
ta;a ta wysñùu wdof¾g ndOdjla fkdlrf.k fomdrla ys;kafka ke;sj rkais÷ fï ;re‚hg wdof¾ lrkak mgka wrf.k'

b;sx fï iudch we;=f,a wdof¾ yE,a¨‍ fjk" úlsfKk" fjkia fjk yeá oelalu rkais÷ lshkafka W;=ï ukqiaifhla lsh,hs wmsg ysf;kafka'

ta ksiduhs uqyqKqfmd; mqrdu yqjudre fjk fï wdor l;dj .ek wms;a Tng lshkak ys;=fõ'

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