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fvd,¾ ñ,shk 41 la jehlr
Öfkka weú;a lgqkdhl
wÆ;a lrk úÈh fukak

u;a;, flaiaÆ

t<efUk jif¾ ckjdß uy 6 isg wfma%,a ui 6 olajd udi ;=kl ld,hla lgqkdhl nKavdrkdhl .=jka f;dgqfmdf<a m%Odk .=jka .uka  Odjk m:fha isÿlrk wÆ;ajeähdjla fya;=fjka .=jka .uka 200la muK wj,x.= lsßug isÿfjk nj iud.u ksfõokh lrhs' wÆ;a jeähd lrk ld,iSudj we;=<;§ Èkm;a fm'j' 8'30 isg iji 4'30 olajd Odjk m:h jid  ;eîug kshu; nj m‍%jdyk yd isú,a .=jkafiajd wud;H ksu,a isßmd, o is,ajd ioyka lrhs'

.=jka m;hla Ndú; l< yels Wmßu ld,h jir 20 jqj;a lgqkdhl nKavdrkdhl .=jka f;dgqfmdf<a m%Odk .=jka .uka  Odjk m:h kùlrkh lghq;= isÿflfrkafka  jir ;sylg miq njhs' fuh 2001 jif¾§ kùlrkh lghq;= isÿlsÍug kshñ;j ;snQ kuq;a 2001 jif¾ isg fuf;la ìysjq lsisÿ rchla fï ms<sno ie,ls,a,la fkdolajd we;s nj wud;Hjrh jeäÿrg;a mejiSh'

kùlrK lghq;= i|yd fvd,¾ ñ,shk 41 la jeh jk nj;a th Ök iud.ulg mjrd we;s nj;a wud;Hjrhd i|yka lf<ah'

ta yryd f,dj úYd,;u A)380 thd nia hdkd lgqkdhlg f.dv neiaiùug wjia:dj ,efnk nj;a" kùlrKh lsÍfuka miqj Odjk m:h jir 30 l ld,hla Ndú; l< yels nj;a wud;Hjrhd i|yka lf<ah'

u;a;, .=jkaf;dgqm< bÈlsÍug .;a Kh fjkqfjka rch jirlg remsh,a fldaá 360lg wêl Kh jdßlhla f.jk kuq;a tu .=jkaf;dgqm<ska jd¾Islj remsh,a ñ,shk 10l wdodhulaj;a fkd,efn;shs weue;sjrhd mejiSh'

Kh f.ùu i|yd udislj remsh,a fldaá 30la o fiajlhska 571 fokdf.a jegqma fjkqfjka ;j;a remsh,a ñ,shk 74la o jehjk nj o weue;sjrhd jeä ÿrg;a ioyka lr isáhs'

lgqkdhl .=jka f;dgqfmd< m%;sixialrK ld,h ;=< Y%S ,xlka .=jka iud.u muKla .=jka .uka lsysmhla u;a;, .=jka f;dgqfmd< yryd isÿ lsÍug tlÛ;dj m< lr we;s nj jd¾;dfõ'

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