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wysñ jQ ÈhKsh fjkqfjka lref.a
lreKdj fodafr‍f .,hs
ms<sld irK Wmldrl
la‍IKsl weu;=ï fiajh wo isg

;ud fyda ish ióm;ufhl= ms<sld frda.hg f.dÿre ù we;ehs wikakg ,eîu ´kEu mqoa.,fhl=g w;sYhskau ord .; fkdyels mqj;ls'  tjka úfgl we;s jk úlaIsma;Ndjh ;=< l< hq;=" fkdl< hq;= foh l=ulaoehs isys t<jd .ekSug ljr iudc wd¾:sl uÜgul isák wfhl=g jqjo wiSre lghq;a;ls'  tjeks fudfyd;l msysgg tk ´kEu fudfyd;l weu;sh yels WmfoaYk fiajdjla  foieïn¾ 27 jk wÛyrejdod ^ wo &isg werfUkq we;'  ms<sldjla je<÷kq wfhl=g we;s jk Ydßßl udkisl ;;a;ajhka fukau ffjoH WmfoaYk iy m%;sldr ms<sn|j o iydh ùu wruqKq lr .;a “ms<sld irK Wmldrl weu;=u” kñka jk fuu laIKsl weu;=ï fiajdj wrUkqfha l:dkdhl lre chiQßh uy;d we;=¿ mjqf,a idudðlhka iy ms<sld irK ix.uh tlaj oerE m%h;akhl m%;sM,hla f,ih'

wo fm'j 11'45 uyr.u wfmalaId frday, wi, wxl 45/B hk ia:dkfha§ tu fiajdj werìfï  iudrïNl W;aijh meje;aùug kshñ;j we; 'l:dkdhl lre chiqßh uy;d fi!LH weu;s rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d iy ms,sld  irK ix.ufha m%OdkSyq fukau miq.shod ms<sld frda.fhka ñ bkaÈrd chiqßh uy;añhf.a iajdñhd jk n%s;dkH cd;sl ud¾áka äl¾ uy;d iy wef.a orefofokd  fuu wjia:djg úfYaIfhka tlafjkq we;~

jevigyka 03lska hq;a jHmD;shl  m,uq wÈhr f,i ‘ms,sld irK weu;=ï fiajh’ Èh;a jk w;r ldka;djkag we;súh yels mshhqre ms,sld wjOdku mÍlaId lsÍfï cx.u mÍlaIkd.dr fiajho" ms,sld frda.h je<e÷kq  orejka fjkqfjka l%shd;aul jk bkaÈrd chiqßh <ud i;aldrl fiajdjo bÈß Èkj,§ wdrïN lsÍug  lghq;=  fhdod ;sfí' 

 ms<sld irK Wmldrl la‍IKsl weu;=ï fiajdfõ ÿrl:k wxlh  0112363211 fõ '

fuu ms<sld irK weu;=ï fiajh uÛska ms<sld frda.hg f.dÿre ù we;s mqoa.,hkag yd Tjqkaf.a mjq,aj, Woúhg wjYH Wmfoia" ffjoH m‍%;sldr ,nd .ekSu i|yd iydh ùu yd WmfoaYk fiajdjla ls‍%hd;aulh'

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