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ñhheug meh lSmhlg fmr
l=¿÷,a orejd ìyslr
fvx.= udrhdg ì,s jQ
l¿fndaú, fi!LH ld¾h iydhsldj

l¿fndaú, Ysla‍IK frdayf,a fi!LH ld¾h iydhsldjl fvx.= WK frda.fhka fmf¾od ^17 jeksod& wÆhu tu frdayf,a§u ñhf.dia‌ we;'

fufia ñhf.dia‌ we;af;a fmdf,dkakrej chka;smqr hdh 2 mÈxÑldßhl jQ §msld l=udß fyar;a ^29& uy;añhhs'

fuu fi!LH ld¾h iydhsldj ñhheug meh lSmhlg fmr isfiaßhka ie;alula‌ u.ska ish l=¿÷,a orejd o ìyslr ;sfí' weh ìys l< ì,s¢h hym;a YÍr fi!LHfhka l¿fndaú, frdayf,a isák nj frday,a m%ldYlfhla‌ mejiSh'

tfukau" ñ fi!LH ld¾h iydhsldjf.a ieñhd o fvx.= je<£fuka tu frdayf,a fkajdislj m%;sldr ,nhs'

óg udi lSmhlg fmr l¿fndaú, frdayf,a fyo ks,Odßkshl fvx.= frda.fhka ñ w;r frday,a ld¾h uKa‌v,fha 30 fofkla‌ o fvx.= je<£fuka oeä mSvdjg m;ajQy'

l¿fndaú, frday, ksrka;rfhkau mú;% l< o frday, jgd we;s fndfyda ksjdi yd mßY% mú;% fkdlrk nj tu frday,a fiajlfhda lSmfofkla‌u mejiQy'

fuu ;;a;ajh ksid frday,a fiajlhkag fvx.= frda.hg f.dÿrej ;u Ôú;j,ska jkaÈ f.ùug isÿù we;s nj;a fï ksid fvx.= mßY% mj;ajdf.k hk mÈxÑlrejkag tfrysj remsh,a 25"000 l ovhla‌ kshu lrk f,i;a Tjqyq* fi!LH n,OdÍkaf.ka b,a,d isá;s'

fvx.= WK frda.hg f.dÿre ù ñ §msld ish ieñhd iuÛ l¿fndaú, mkai, mdf¾ ;djld,sl kjd;ekam<l mÈxÑj isg we;'

ñ §msldf.a foayh fmdf,dkakrej m%foaYhg /f.k heug fmr l¿fndaú, ol=Kq fld<U Ysla‍IK frdayf,a fiajl fiaúldjkag wjika f.!rj oela‌ùu i|yd mehl ld,hla‌ ;ekam;a lr ;sìKs'

m%§ma m%ikak iurfldaka

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