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wms jhihs wmsg fydo ld¾ ´fk
rkackag ÿkak jdyk tmd lsõjd'
;du hkafka fgdfhdgd lnf,ka 
- tia'î'

;ju uf.a mäh okafk kE

ksfhdacH wud;H rkacka rdukdhl uy;dg wud;HdxYfhka ,ndÿka îtïví,sõ r:h yd ðma r:hj;a Ndrfkd.;a nj;a ;ju;a Tyqf.a ‘fgdfhdagd lnf,ka’ .uka .kakd nj;a iudc iún, .ekaùfï yd iqnidOk wud;H tia'î' Èidkdhl uy;d mjihs'

;u wud;HdxYfha ksfhdacH wud;Hjrhd f,i lghq;= lrk rkacka rdukdhl uy;d md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%Sjreka fj; ,ndfok remsh,a ,laIfha §ukdj m‍%;slafIam lsÍu iïnkaOfhka ms<s;=re foñka wud;Hjrhd fï nj i|yka lf<a h'
rkacka rdukdhl uy;d uka;‍%Sjreka §ukdj ,nd.ekSu iodpdrd;aul fkdjk njg lrk ,o m‍%ldYh iïnkaOfhka tia'î' Èidkdhl uy;d mejiqfja ˜§ukd Èh hq;=hs' fudlo wmsg ,efnkafka mqxÑ mähla' tfyu §ukd fkdÿkafkd;a uka;‍%Sjreka fkdfhl=;a úÈhg uqo,a Wmhkak W;aiy lrkjd' uf.a mäh lSho lsh,d uu wog;a okafka kE' uf.a fkdakd uf.a idlal=jg lShla yß odkjd' tal ú;rhs uu okafka'˜ hehs tia'î' Èidkdhl weue;sjrhd jeäÿrg;a i|yka lf<a h'

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