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uvl,mqj ux.,drduhg
weu;s úchodi rdcmlaI .sh .uk

isxy, okak wh;a isxy,hkaf. ,sjqus l=Kql+fvg odkjd

uvl,mqfõ isxy, ck;djg u;=j we;s m%Yak ms<sn|j wêlrK yd nqoaO Ydik wud;H wdpd¾h úchodi rdcmlaI uy;df.a wjOdkh fhduqj ;sfí' ta ms<sn|j jk idlÉPdjlao wud;Hjrhd we;=¿ NslaIQka jykafia,df.a m%Odk;ajfhka uvl,mqj ux.,drdufha§ mj;ajd ;sfí'

ux.,drdudêm;s wïmsáfha iqukr;k ysñ" fndÿ n,fiakd ixúOdkfha uyf,alï .,f.dvw;af;a {dkidr ysñ we;=¿ NslaIQka jykafia,d fuu idlÉPdjg tlaj ;sfí'

idlÉPdfjka wk;=rej meje;s udOH idlÉPdjl§ wud;Hjrhd mejeiqfõ uvl,mqfõ .%du fiajljrekaf.ka yd m%dfoaYSh f,alïjrekaf.ka we;eï wjia:dj,§ isxy, ck;djg .eg¨‍ we;sj ;sfnk njhs'

Tjqkaf.a .eg¨‍ ms<sn|j l;d lsÍug isxy, uvl,mqfõ uka;%sjrfhl= m<d;a iNdj ;=<;a" md¾,sfïka;=j ;=<;a fkdue;s nj mejiQ wud;Hjrhd isxy, ck;djg fukau oñ, yd uqia,sï ck;djg uvl,mqfõ .eg¨‍ mj;sk nj wïmsáfha ysñhka ;ukag mejeiQ njo fuys§ mejeiSh'

isxy, NdIdj f;areï .; yels uvl,mqfõ we;eï ks,OdÍka isxy, NdIdfjka ,efnk ,sms m%isoaêfha l=Kq l+vhg ouk nj wêlrK weu;sjrhd fmkajd ÿkafkah'

˜‍fï Èia;%slalfha iuyr m%foaYj, iq¿;rhla jk isxy, ck;djg .%du fiajlf.ka ,smshla ,nd.kak neß wjia:d ;sfhkjd' Pkao kduf,aLkhg ku we;=,a lrkafka ke;s m%Yak ;sfhkjd' tlu isxy, ks,Odßfhlaj;a ke;s m%dfoaYSh f,alï ld¾hd, ;sfhkjd' isxy, NdIdj f;afrk wfkl=;a cd;Skaj, ks,OdÍka isxy, NdIdfjka ,shqula ÿkaku m%isoaêfha l=Kq l+vhg odk ;;ajhla u;=fj,d ;sfhkjd'˜‍ hkqfjka wêlrK weu;sjrhd mejiSh'

uvl,mqj Èia;%slalfha isxy, ck;dj uqyqK fok .eg¨‍ fukau Ydiksl m%Yak iy mqrdjia;= iq/lSu iïnkaOj u;=ù we;s .eg¿ ms<sn|j fuys§ idlÉPdù ;sfí'

wïmsáfha iqukr;k ysñhka fou< iy uqia,sï ck;djf.a m%Yako wmlaImd;Sj bÈßm;a l< nj wêlrK weu;sjrhd m%ldY lf<ah'

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