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.egqulg uq,a jQ yïnkaf;dg jrdfha wÆ;au ;;a;ajh fukak'

.egqï iy.; ;;ajhla Woa.; jQ yïnkaf;dg jrdfha wÆ;au f;dr;=re f.disma99 wmg fï jk úg jd¾;d ù ;sfí'fiajlhska 483 ka fofkl=f.a fiajh ia:sr lrk f,i b,a,ñka Tjqka úiska i;H.%yhla wdrïN flrE w;r 10 jk Èk Tjqka l,yldÍ ;;a;ajhla olajd tu ;;a;ajh f.k f.dia we;s njg jd¾;d úh';jo bka ;=jd, ,enQ isõfofkl= ;ju;a yïnkaf;dg frdayf,a m%;sldr ,nk nj jd¾;d fõ'

;jo fiajlhka úiska w;am;a lrf.k ;snQ fk!ld 2ka tla fk!ldjla fï jk úg msg;a lr hjd ;sfnk w;r b;sß fk!ldj msg;aj hdu i|yd Èk b;sßj we;s fyhska tu fk!ldj wdrlaIs;j kex.=rï,d mj;sk w;r kdjql yuqodj úiska ta i|yd úfYaIs; wdrlaIdj imhhs

fuu fiajlhska úiska jrdfha mßmd,k f.dvke.s,a, w;am;a lrf.k we;s neúka Tjqkaj thska bj;a lsÍu i|yd jrdh wêldßh u.ska Widú ksfhda.hla ,nd .ekSug lghq;= lr we;'

tneúka Bfha Èk ^11&jrdh wêldßh u.ska fmd,sish fj; fï iïnOj mñKs,a,la fhduqfldg we;s w;r tu.ska fndfyda úg Widú ksfhda.hla wo Èk ^12& ,efnkq we;ehs úYajdi lrk njg jrdh wêldßfha úfYaI ksfhdað;fhla f.disma99 wm fj; mjid isáfhah'

.egqulg uq,a jQ yïnkaf;dg jrdfha wÆ;au ;;a;ajh fukak'

mßmd<k f.dv ke.s,af,a isák fiajlshaka bj;a lsÍug Widú ksfhda.hla

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