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ch,,s;d wjika .uka hhs

yoj;a frda.S ;;a;ajhla fya;=fjka m%;sldr ,nñka isák ;ñ,akdvq m%Odk weu;sks ch,,s;d chrdï óg iq¿ fõ,djlg fmr Ôú;laIhg m;a jQ nj bka§h udOH jd¾;d lrkjd'

ta wkqj fï jk úg wod< frday, wjg fmd,sia wdrlaIdj ;r lsÍugo n,OdÍka ;SrKh lr we;s njhs jd¾;d fjkafka'
ñhhk jk úg wehf.a jhi wjqreÿ 68la nj;a i|ykah'

ol=Kq bka§h foaYmd,kfha ;SrKd;aul NQñldjla bgq l< weh bkaÿ Y%S ,xld rdcH ;dka;%sl in|;d fjkqfjka iDcqju ueÈy;ajQ flfkl= úh'

ch,,s;dg widOHhs - frday, jg lrf.k wdOdrlrejka je<fmhs

yoj;a frda.S ;;a;ajhla fya;=fjka m%;sldr ,nñka isák ;ñ,akdvq m%Odk weu;sks ch,,s;d chrdïf.a ;;a;ajh widOH nj weh m%;sldr ,nk frday, ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka wkdjrKh lrkjd'

ch,,s;d chrdïf.a mjqf,a úfYaI{ ffjoHjrhdo fmkajd fokafka wehf.a fi!LH ;;a;ajh fï jk úg msßfyñka we;s njhs'

wo wÆhu weh fjkqfjka ie;alulao isÿ fldg we;s nj;a jd¾;d fjkjd'

fï w;r ch,,s;d chrdïf.a fuu m%jD;a;sh;a iu. wehf.a wdOdrlrejka úYd, msßila frday, bÈßmsgg meñK yඬdje,fmñka we;s njhs bka§h udOH jd¾;d lrkafka'

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