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fmd,Si úiska fn!oaO ixúOdkj,
uvl,mq .uk kj;hs
^PdhdrEm yd ùäfhda&

uvl,mqfõ ixúOdkh flreK jevigykla i|yd .uka .ksñka isá fndÿ n, fiakd iy rdjKd n,h ixúOdkfha idudðlhka msßilg wêlrK ksfhda.hla wkqj tys <Ûd ùug wjir ,nd fkd§u uq,alr .ksñka WKqiqï ;;ajhla yg .eks‚'

tu jevigyk u.ska m%foaYfha iduhg ndOd we;sùfï wjodkula mj;sk nj fmd,sish wêlrKhg oekqï § ;sì‚'

ta nj ie,ls,a,g .;a uvl,mqj iy trdjq¾ wêlrK fndÿ n, fiakd iy rdjKd n,h ixúOdkfha idudðlhkag uvl,mqj Èia;s‍%lalfha we;eï ia:dkj, we;=¿ ùu j<lñka ksfhda. ksl=;a fldg we;'

tu ;ykug fya;= úuiñka uvl,mqj ux.,drdudêm;s wïmsáfha iquk r;k ysñhka we;=¿ msßila k.rfha yria ud¾. Tiafia fm<md,s hdug .;a W;aidyh o fmd,sish úiska j<lkq ,eìK'

fmd,sisfha tu l%shdud¾.hg úfrdaOh m< l< msßi ÿïßh ud¾. yria lr ;sfnk w;r ta fya;=fjka ÿïßh Odjkhg ndOd t,a, jQ nj;a jd¾;d fõ';;a;ajh uevmeje;aùu i|yd tu ia:dkhg fmd,sia úfYaI ld¾h n,ldh yd hqo yuqodj o meñK isáhd'

fï fya;=fjka uvl,mqj ) fmdf<dkakrej m%Odk ud¾.h meh 6 la muK wjysr jqKd'miqj fmd,sish wjir §u;a iu. fndÿn, fiakd ixúOdkh uvl,mqj ux.,drdu úydria:dkh n,d .uka l<d'

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