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isx.mamQrejg .sh wfma ks¨Isld
ì,a f.aÜia iu. iu iuj
foaYk mj;ajk  jHdmdßldjla jQ weh

isx.mamQrejg .sh Y%S ,xld ;reKshla jir 15g muK miqj isx.mamQrefõ§ id¾:l jHdmdßldjl njg m;ajQ mqj;la isx.mamQre udOH jd¾;d lrkjd'

ks¨Isld chùr kï weh ish foudmshkaf.a úfhdafjka miqj wkd: ksjdihl ye§ jeä ;sfnkjd' ks¨Isld chùr isx.mamQrejg hkafka .Dy fiaúldjla f,isks' kuq;a weh fïjkúg isx.mamQrej ;=< id¾:l jHdmdßldjl njg m;aj we;' fï jkúg weh isx.mamQrefõ úúO wjia:dj,§ wNsfma%rl foaYk mj;ajkakshlao jkjd'

36 yeúßÈ ks¨Isld Y%S ,xldfõ f;a j;=j,ska ,nd.kakd f;a o¿ fmÜáj,g weiqreï lr cd;Hka;r .ekqïlrejka fj; wf,ú lsÍfï jHdmdrhla mj;ajdf.k hkjd' wehg ta i|yd 500g wêl cd;Hka;r .ekqïlrejka ixLHdjla isàu úfYaI;ajhls'

isx.mamQrefõ miq.shod meje;s à'B'ã ^TED& kï wNsfma%rl jeviygkl§ weh ish Ôú; l;dj ms<sn|j oelajQ woyia isx.mamQre udOH by< jákdlulska hq;=j jd¾;d lr ;sfnkjd' fuu jevigyfka foaYlhka f,i ks¨Isldjg wu;rj f,dalfha m%Odk fmf<a jHdmdßlhka jk ì,a f.aÜia" ysgmq wefußldkq Wm ckm;sjrfhl= jk w,a f.da yd m¾fhaIlfhl= jk f–ka .=vd,a hk wh iyNd.sù isáhd'

;u l=vd ifydaor ifydaoßhka isjq fofkl= Ôj;a lrùug.Dy fiaúldjla jQ weh isx.mamQrefõ .; l< ld,fha§ whsvd kï rdcH fkdjk ixúOdkhlg tlaj ;u uqo,a l<ukdlrKh lr.kakd whqre yd jHdmdrhla wdrïN lrk whqre bf.k f.k we;' bka wk;=rej ;jÿrg;a ish oekqu j¾Okh lr.ekSug weh uQ,H idlaIr;dj" jHdmdr yd kdhl;aj .=Kdx. ms<sn|j yeoEÍï lr ;sfí'

ks¨Isld ish ieñhd iu. tlaj l%ufhka jHdmdßl lghq;= wdrïN lrkafka bka wk;=rejh'

weh bka kej;=fka ke;' Y%S ,xldfõ isák .eñ ldka;djkaf.a Ôjk ;;a;ajh k.d isgqùu i|ydo lghq;= wdrïN lr ;sfí' ta i|yd weh rdcH fkdjk ixúOdkhla msysgqjd we;s w;r ta yryd jHdmdrhla wdrïN lrk wdldrh ms<sn|j ldka;djkag b.ekaùug lghq;= lrhs' tfiau ÿmam;a orejka fjkqfjka wOHdmkh ,nd.ekSug wjYH lghq;=o iïmdokh lrhs'

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