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,xldfõ úYd,u lsUq,d
ud;r ks,aj,d .f.ka

fuf;la Y%S ,xldfjka yuqjQ úYd,u lsUq,ka ;sfokdf.ka tla wfhl= fidhd .ekSug jkÔú fomd¾;fïka;=j iu;aj ;sfí'

ud;r fjf,af.dv m%foaYfha§ wo fuu lsUq,d fidhd.;a w;r lsUq,d wä 17la È. nj;a wdikak jYfhka nr fgdka tllg wdikak nj;a jkÔú ks,Odßfhda mji;s'
we<l isáh§ fidhd.;a lsUq,d ñßiai" l,jeáfha§ kej;;a ks,aj,d .Ûg uqod yer ;sfí

Bfha ^07& w¨‍hu f.dvg meñK we;s fuu lsUq,d .ïjdiskaf.a oeä lemùu yd jkÔú ks<Odßkaf.a W;aiydh u; kej; ks,aj,d .Õg uqod yeßug yels ù ;sfnkjd'

fuu lsUq,df.a mdo ;=kla msysgd we;s w;r Wm;skau fï ;;a;ajh we;s ù ;sfnk njghs y÷kdf.k we;af;a'

ud;r fmd,sisfha ks<Odßka" ñßiai jkÔú ks<Odßka iy l,ueáh jkÔú ks<Odßka meñK fuu lsUq,d ksremøs;j ks,aj,d .Õh uqod yeßug lghq;= l<d'

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