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fmdf<dkakrej ,xldmq;% nexl=fjys
fidrlï t<sfjkq we;ehs ìfhka
fiajlhl= >d;kh lrdo@

,xldmq;% ixj¾Ok nexl=fjys fmdf<dkakrej YdLdfõ isÿjq wNsryia >d;k isoaêhla ms,snoj f.disma99 fj; jd¾:dfja' th fidrlï t<sfjkq we;ehs ìfhka fiajlhl= >d;kh lsÍula nj tu nexl=fõ cd;slfiajl ix.uh fpdokd lrhs'

,xldmq;% ixj¾Ok nexl=fõ fmdf<dkakrej YdLdfõ isÿjQ ÿIK yd jxpd /ila 2015 fkdjeïn¾ 02 § nexl=fõ wNHka;r ú.Kk mÍlaIKfha § fy,sù we;'fuu jd¾;dj iïnkaOfhka lreKq fidhd ne,Su ioyd iNdm;sjrhd yd ks,OdÍka msßila fmdf<dkakrej Ydlj fj; hdug kshñ;j ;sî we;s w;r'
kuq;a iNdm;sjrhd hdug Èk lSmhlg fmr fmdf<dkakrej YdLdj fj; .sh idudkH wêldrjrhd jk ,ika; wurfialr we;=¿ ks,OdÍ lKavdhula fuu jd¾;dfõ ioyka ÿIK yd wlarjñl;d ms<sno iNdm;sjrhdg lreKq oelaùug isá nel=fõ fiajlhl=j ,ika; wurfialr uy;d ;uka k;r ù isá fkajdisld.drhg leojd u;ameka idohla mj;ajd we;'

uOHu rd;%sh jk ;=reu fuu idoh mej;s w;r miqod wÆhu wikakg ,î we;af;a wod< ;reK fiajlhd w;=reoyka ù we;s njh'miqj fuu ;reKh fiajlhdf.a u<isrer idoh mj;S ia:dkh wi, ;snq jejla ;sî fidhdf.k we;'fuu b;du;a iel iys; urKh iïnkaOfhka fiajlhdf.a foudmshka úiska fmdf<dkakrej fmd,siaishg o meñKs,s lr we;'
nexl=fõ isÿ jQ jxpd iy fydrlï fy<slsÍug iqodkï isá fuu fiajlhd fuf,i iel iys; f,i ñhhdu ñksureulao hk ielh Tyqf.a foudmshkag fukau ish¿ fokdgu u;= ù we;s nj jd¾:dfõ

fï ms<snoj ,xldmq;% nexl=fjys cd;slfiajl ix.uh úiska wmrdo mÍlaIK fomd¾;=fïka;=j fj; ,sÅ;j oekqï § we;s njg jd¾:d fõ

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