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fy<fha .dka‍O¾j wurfoaj udiag¾
wo oefhka iuq .kS

iÔù úldYh

,xld idys;Hhg wkNsNjkSh hq. fufyjrla l< zzfy<fha uyd .dka‍O¾jhdZZ f,i nqyquka ,o mKaä;a wurfoaj Y%Su;dKka hq.fha ;udf.a ld¾h ksudfldg oefhka iuqf.k we;'  cd;sfha uyd .dkaO¾jhdKkaf.a  foayh ms<sn| wjika lghq;= wo ^05& fld<U ksoyia p;=ri% mßY%fha§ isÿflf¾'

Tyqf.a foayhg f.!rj oelaùu i|yd fld<U - ksoyia p;=ri‍%hg fï jkúg;a w;s úYd, msßila meñfKñka isák nj wmfj; jd¾;d fõ'wNdjm%dma; mKaä;a wurfoajhkaf.a foayh Bfha ^04& fld<U ksoyia p;=ri‍%hg /f.k tkq ,enqfõ l,dlrejka" foaYmd,k{hka we;=¿ úYd, msßila iyNd.s jQ fmryrlsks'Bg ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d o tlajQfha foayhg mqIafmdamydr olajñks'
ta uy;df.a foayh ksoyia p;=ri‍%fha ;ekam;a lsÍu i|yd ckdêm;sjrhd o Wr§u úfYaI;ajhla úk'

iajfoaY lghq;= wud;H jðr wfíj¾Ok uy;d m%ldY lf<a wurfoajhkaf.a foayh wo ^05& miajre 3'00 jk;=re ksoyia p;=ri‍%fha uyck f.!rjh ioyd ;ekam;a lr ;efnk nj;a mQ¾K rdcH f.!rj iys;j wjika lghq;= bka wk;=rej wdrïN lrk nj;ah' iÔù úldYh n,fmdfrd;a;= jkak

හෙළයේ මහා ගාන්ධර්වයානන්ගේ සමු ගැනීම.
Posted by මාධ්යවේදියා on Saturday, 5 November 2016

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