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ìfIdma úÿy, wi,
.Ksld ksjdihla odkak
wkqn,ÿka weu;s ljqo@

fld<U ìfIdma úÿy, wi, fkd-7 ta" Y%Su;a tak¾iaÜ o is,ajd udj; hk ,smskfha CHINATRY DISH" SILK ROAD RESTUARENT hk kñka w¨‍;ska bÈlr we;s Ök wjkay, rd;%S iudc Yd,djla yd .‚ld ksjdihla f,i mj;ajdf.k hkakla njg ìfIdma úÿy,a isiqúhkaf.a foudmshka msßila ckm;sjrhdg meñ‚,s lr ;sfí'

wd.ñl isoaOia:dkhla ;sìh§ óg¾ 500la ;=< u;ameka n,m;%hla ,nd§u kS;s úfrdaë lghq;a;lajqjo ta i|yd u;ameka n,m;%hlao ,nd§ we;s nj jd¾;d fõ'

fuh kS;s úfrdaë lghq;a;la nj m%foaYh Ndr ksfhdacH fmd,siam;sjrhd o" iqrdnÿ ks,OdÍkao ;ukafj; oekajQ nj;a" ìfIdma úÿy,a foudmshka ckm;sjrhdg isg ,smsfhka fmkajd § we;'

flfiajqjo" m%Odk wud;Hjrhl=f.a ueÈy;aùu u; wod< n,m;%h yd fuh mj;ajdf.khdug wkqn, ,eî we;s nj mÍlaIKj,§ fy,sù we;ehs fj; jd¾;d fõ'

tu ia:dkfha Ök .‚ldjka 20;a" 25;a w;r msßila ießirK nj;a" tu iudc Yd,dj rd;%S 2-3 muKjk f;la újD;j we;ehso ìfIdma úÿ,a foudmshka ish ,smsfhka fmkajd § ;sfí'

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