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wfußldkq ckm;s igfkka
fvdk,aâ g%ïmaghs ch.kS

f,djmqrd ck;djf.a wjOdkh Èkd.;a wfußldkq ckdêm;sjrK igkska äfudl%ála mlaI wfmalaIsld ys,ß la,skagka mrdch lrñka ßmí,slka mlaI wfmalaIl fvdk,aâ g%ïma ch.%yKh lr ;sfí'

ta ckdêm;sjrhd njg m;aùug ,nd.; hq;= Pkao úoHd, 270l n,h imqrd.ksñks'

wfußldfõ ue;sjrKh meje;s m%dka; 50ka fuf;la ksl=;a ù we;s m%;sM,j,g wkQj fvdk,aâ g%ïma Pkao fldÜGdi 276la chf.k we;s w;r ys,ß la,skagkag ch .ekSug yelsj we;af;a Pkao fldÜGdi 218la muKs'

wfußldkq m%dka; 50 fjfik ck;dj m%ldY lr we;s Pkao ixLHdj wkQj tla tla m%dka;fhka tla tla wfmalaIlhdg ysñjk Pkao fldÜGdi ixLHdj u; mokïj ch.%yKh ;SrKh lrkq ,efí'

ta wkQj m%dka; 50fya iïmQ¾K Pkao fldÜGdi  ixLHdj tfia;a ke;skï Pkao úoHd, ixLHdj 538la jk w;r ch.%yKh i|yd wfmalaIlfhl= ,nd.; hq;= Pkao úoHd, ixLHdj wfußldkq ue;sjrK l%uhg wkQj 270ls'

ta wkQj ys,ß la,skagka wNsnjñka fvdk,aâ g%ïma fïjk úg Pkao fldÜGdi 276l ch.%yKh ;yjqre lrf.k we;ehs úfoia udOH jd¾;d lrhs'

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