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wdpd¾h mKaä;a wurfoaj YQÍkaf.a 
foayh ksoyia p;=rY%fha§
wjika f.!rj oelajQ whq/

fy<fha uyd .dkaO¾jhd jk Ndjm‍%dma; wdpd¾h wurfoajhkaf.a foayh Bfha WoEik 10'15 g muK fnd/,a, chr;ak u,a Yd,dfõ isg fgdßkagka ksoyia p;=rY‍%h olajd wjux., r:hl kxjd fmryerlska /f.k .shd'

rislhska l,d Ys,amSka foaYmd,lhska we;=¿ úYd, msßila tu wjia:djg tlaj isáhd'wurfoajhkaf.a ìßh foayh miqmi .uka l< fudag¾ r:fha .uka lrkq olakg ,enq‚'

ckudOH weu;sjrhdo fmryef¾ .shd'rEmjdyskS ixia:dj wdikakfha§ ckm;s ffu;‍%smd, isßfiak yd C%Svd weu;s ohdisß chfialr foayh /.;a jdykhg mqIafmdaydr oelajQ w;r wk;=rej t;eka isg ksoyia p;=rY‍%h olajdu ckm;sjrhd;a foayh iu. .uka l<d'
fyg iji 3'30 olajd fuu ia:dkfha foayh ;ekam;a lr wjika lghq;= fu;ek§u isÿ lrkakg kshñ;h'
lsishï ;eke;af;l=f.a foayh ksoyia p;=rY%fha ;ekam;a lsÍu tu ;eke;a;dg flfrk f.!rjhla f,i ie,flkjd'flfia fj;;a l,dlrefjl=f.a foayh iïmQ¾K Èkhla tys ;ekam;a lr ;efnk m<uq wjia:dj fuh njhs m%lg úpdrl kqjka khkð;a mjikafka'
^uOHu rd;%sfha;a foayhg f.!rj olajkakg wjia:dj ysñfõ&
t;=udf.a foayh ksoyia p;=rY%h fj; /f.k tk whqre oelafjk ùäfhdaj ùäfhdaj iy PdhdrEm tl;=jla my;ska

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