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ckm;sg jerÈ f;dr;=re
fok mqoa.,hd ljqo @

ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d úiska t*a'is'whs'ä h" iS'whs'ä h iy w,a,ia fldñiu úfõpkh lsßug m%Odk jYfhka uq,sl ù we;af;a cd;sl mqj;a m;l udOHfõÈfhl= iy ckdêm;s iïnkaêlrK f,alïjrfhl= ,nd ÿka jerÈ f;dr;=re fya;=fjka nj fï jk úg fy<s orõ ù ;sfí'

ckdêm;sjrhdf.a mq;%hd rd;%s iudc Yd,djl .egqulg iïnkaO jQ njg iudc cd,d fjí wfvú u.ska f.k .sh m%pdrhg tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh fukau tys kdhlhd o iïnkaO njg fuu msßia úiska ckdêm;sjrhdg m%ldY lr we;'

;dhs,ka; ixpdrhl ksr;j isá ckdêm;sjrhd iuÛ isá cd;sl mqj;a m;l udOHfõÈfhla fï ldrKh iïnkaOfhka ckdêm;sjrhdg §¾> f,i lreKq lshd we;ehso oek .kakg ;sfí' ,xldjg meñKs miq iïnkaêlrK f,alïjrhd o ckdêm;sjrhdg w.ue;sjrhd yd Tyqf.a f.da,hka fuu m%jD;shg jeä m%pdrhla fok nj lshd we;'

tfiau Bg fmr i;sj,È fmd,sish iïnkaOfhka ckdêm;sjrhd ÿka ksfhda. fmd,sish ms<s fkd.kafkao fï fya;=fj ksidfjkao njo Tjqka fom, fmkajd È ;sfí' tfiau fï fofokd úiska ckdêm;sjrhd m%ldYh lsßug u;af;ka ish ys; ñ;=rka yd m%ldY lr we;af;a ckdêm;sjrhd wo ßfokak l;djla lrkd njh'

flfia kuq;a 13 od Èkh mqrd meje;s idlÉPdj,ska miqj ;;a;ajh iu;hlg m;a j we;s nj o oek .kakg ;sfí'

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