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uu Èlalidoùfuka miq wkjYH fhdackd wdjd
uka;%Sj/ka f.ka ysßyerhs
mndf.ka fkdlS l;djla t<shg odhs

md¾,sfïka;=j ;=<§ ,;ajh mokï lr.ksñka md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjßhka we;eï uka;%Sjrekaf.a ysßyerhg ,lajk nj ysgmq uka;%Sks WfmalaId iaj¾Kud,s ^mnd& mjikakSh'

ysgmq uka;%Sjßh tu m%ldYh lf<a f,dalh mqrd uka;%Sjßhka we;eï uka;%Sjrekaf.a , iy fjk;a ysßyerhg f.dÿrejk nj mejfik wka;¾ md¾,sfïka;= ix.ufha ^IPU& kj jd¾;dj iïnkaOfhkaid lÉPdjlg tlafjñks'

md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjßhka we;eï uka;%Sjrekaf.a wksis n,mEïj,g f.dÿrefjk kuq;a b;d Wiia uÜgñka lghq;= lrk uyck ksfhdað;hka Tjqka w;r isák nj;a ysgmq uka;%Sks WfmalaId iaj¾Kud,s mjikakSh'

˜‍fï .eg¨‍j yefudaf.kau t,a, fjkafka keye' ta jf.a udkisl;ajfhka hqla; w;f,diaila muKhs md¾,sfïka;=fõ bkafka' yenehs" ta w;f,diai lrk foa m%udKj;a"˜‍ ysgmq uka;%Sjßh fmkajd fokakSh'

uyck ksfhdað;hka yeáhg uka;%Sjßhkag fjk;a foaYmd,k{hka iuÕ lghq;= lsÍug isÿjk w;r" tjeks wjia:djkays § we;eï foaYmd,k{hkaf.ka ldka;djka ùu ksidu ;ukag wkjYH n,mEï t,a, jQ nj weh i|yka l<dh'

˜‍ug fm!oa.,sl w;aoelSula ;sfhkjd' uu foaYmd,khg tkafka újdy fj,d' ta wjia:dfõ ug ;snqK ms<s.ekSu iy uu Èlalidoùfuka miq ,enqK ms<s.ekSu yd;amiskau fjkia' bka miafia ug wkjYH fhdackd - fma%u iïnkaO;d f.dvk.d .ekSu i|yd jQ fhdackd wdÈh bÈßm;a jqkd' tjeks fhdackd bÈßm;a l< mqoa.,hka ug Woõ lrk nj mjiñka Tjqkaf.a ld¾hd,j,g tk fuka ug wdrdOkd l<d"˜‍ ysgmq uka;%Sjßh weh uqyqKÿka w;aoelSï úia;r l<dh'

˜‍msgrg ixpdr hdu i|yd we;eï foaYmd,k{hka ug wdrdOkd l<d' msgrg .shdu Tjqka yuqùug fg,sfmdaka lrkak lshkjd' ta jf.a w;aoelSï ug ;sfhkjd˜‍ ysgmq uka;%Sks WfmalaId iaj¾Kud,s jeäÿrg;a m%ldY l<dh'

weh fmkajd fok mßÈ fuu ;;a;ajh Y%S ,xldj ;=< oreKq fÄojdplhls'

iuia;hla jYfhka fjf<| oekaúï we;=¿j fndfyda udOH jevigyka ;=< mjd hï uÜgñka ldka;d ysxikhla isÿjk nj weh fmkajd fokakSh'

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