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ne/la Tndudf.a fmïl;dj
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wefußldkq iskud ks¾udK w;f¾" wfußldkq ckdêm;sjreka ms<sn|jo Ñ;%mg /ila ks¾udKh ù we;'

fuu ,ehsia;=fõ m%uqL ia:dkh f.k we;af;a Ñ;%mg 30 lg wêl .Kklg mdol jQ tan%yï ,skalka pß;h jk w;r" fcdaÊ fjdIskagka" fcdaka flkä" ;shfvda¾ rEiafj,aÜ" frdk,aâ f¾.ka" wevD fcdkaika" ßpâ kslaika" fcdaÊ ví,sõ nqIa" ì,a la,skagka wd§ jQ fndfyda pß; w<,d o Ñ;%mg ks¾udKh ù we;'

wfußld tlai;a ckmofha 44 jeks iy j;auka ckm;s nrla Tndud pß;h weiqfrkao Ñ;%mg wgla fï jkúg ks¾udKh ù we;' ‘2016( Tndud’ia wfußld’" zneÍZ" zfÉkaÊZ" zv%Sïia f*%dï uhs ßh,a *do¾Z" zwhs fjdakaÜ hqj¾ ukSZ" zTndud wekla fukafgka.aZ" zTndud uudZ" wd§ kï j,ska ;sr.; jqKq fïjdhska fndfyduhla jd¾;d Ñ;%mg fõ' fuu Ñ;%mg f.dkakg tla jk kj;u Ñ;%gh zijq;a ihsâ ú;a hQZ" jk w;r th ckm;s Tndud iy Tyqf.a ìß| jk ñfI,a frdìkaika hqj, f.a wdor l;dfõ wdrïNh w<,d ksuejqKq Ñ;%mghls'

;reK Tndud iy ñfI,a yuqj isÿfjkafka Tndud" Ñldf.da ys kS;S{ iud.ula jk zisâ,s iy TiaákaZ iud.fï fiajh lrk wjia:dfõ §h' tys§ kS;S{ ñfI,a frdìkaikag Tndudf.a WmfoaYl jßh f,iska f;uilg m;aùula ,efí' 1989 j¾Ifha .sïydkfha Èfkl" ;reK kS;sfõÈfhla jk nrla Tndud ish WmfoaYljßh jk kS;S{ ñfI,a frdìkaika uqK .efihs' Ñ;% m%o¾Ykhl isg tl, ;sr.; jQ wefußldkq ydiHckl Ñ;%mghla jQ zvq o rhsÜ ;ska.aZ ys ;sr.; lsÍula olajd hk fudjqkaf.a .uk fuu Ñ;%mgfha oelafõ'

ßpâ gekS f.a wOHlaIKfhkq;a" ßpâ" àld iïmag¾ iy frdnÜ àg,a f.a ksIamdokfhkq;a ksuejqKq fuu Ñ;%mgh wf.daia;= 26 jkod isg ;sr.; ùu wdrïN úh' mdl¾ fidah¾ia ish m%:u m%Odk pß;h rÕ olajñka nrla Tndud f,i;a" àld iïmag¾ ñfI,a f,i;a fï i|yd odhl jk w;r jefkaid fn,a lf,dafõ" *s,sma tâjâ wd§ka fiiq k¿ ks<sfhda fj;s'

fuu Ñ;%mghg iïnkaO jQ fndfyda fokd m%ùKhka fkdjk kuq;a" wfußldkq fvd,¾ ñ,shk 1'5 l muK b;d wvq msßjehlska ksuejqKq fuu Ñ;%mgh wfußldkq fvd,¾ ñ,shk 6'3 l wdodhula jd¾;d lsÍu iqúfYaIS h' úkdä 84 lska iukaú; fuh ñruelaia iy frdaâ ihsâ weg%elaIkaia fnod yeÍuls' zijq;a ihsâ ú;a hQZ" fndfyda úpdrlhskaf.ka meiiqï ,;a Ñ;%mghla njg m;a ù we;' ftMVaò fjí wvúfha th 6'7$10 l ,l=Kq m%udKhla jd¾;d lr we;s w;r" frdagka fgdaudfgdaia ys ishhg 88 l=;a" fugd l%sála ys ishhg 74l=;a jd¾;d lr we;' fuys rx.k Ys,amSka by< olaI;djhka fmkajd we;s w;r" fma%laIlhska yd iïnkaO úh yels fonia o iuÕska fuu Ñ;%mgh b;d fyd| zm<uq Èk wdor l;djlaZ f,i ks¾udKh ù we;s nj frdagka fgdaudfgdaia ys m%uqL úpdrh mjihs'

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