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ukafudayka isx
,xldfõ ch.%yKhla
w.ue;s rks,ag fmkajd fohs

m%Odk foaYmd,k mla‍I fofla tluq;=fjka ieÈ cd;sl wdKavqjg fou< cd;sl ixOdkh" ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK we;=¿ foaYmd,k mla‍I iy fjk;a ixúOdkhkays tlÛ;ajh we;sj lghq;= l< yels mßirhla Wod ù we;s nj;a" th uE; w;S;fha Y%S ,xldj ,enQ fYa%IaG ch.%yKhla f,i yeÈkaúh yels nj;a"bkaÈhdfõ ysgmq w.%dud;H wdpd¾h ukafudayka isx uy;d mejiqjd'

Tlaf;dan¾ 05 jk od fmrjrefõ kjÈ,a,s kqjr ;Ê me,ia fydag,fha § Y%S ,xld w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d iy bka§h fldka.%ia mla‍I kdhsld Y%Su;S fidakshd .dkaê uy;añh w;r mej;s idlÉPdjkg iyNd.S fjñka ukafudayka isx uy;d jeäÿrg;a mejiQfha Y%S ,xldfõ wd¾:slh kj ÈYdk;shlg fhduq lrùfï YlH;djh i;= rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d h<s;a Y%S ,xldfõ wd¾:sl ixj¾Ok l%shdj,shg iïnkaOùu b;d i;=gg lreKla njh'

fidakshd .dkaê uy;añh Y%S ,xldfõ kj ixj¾Ok l%shdj,sh iy l,dmSh iïnkaO;d ms<sn|j lreKq meyeÈ,s lr.;a w;r" idlÉPdjg tla jQ ysgmq fj<| iy l¾udka; wud;H wdkkaoa I¾ud uy;d fmkajd ÿkafka bkaÈhdj iy Y%S ,xldj w;r we;s lr .ekSug kshñ; wd¾:sl yd ;dla‍IKsl .súiqu Tiafia forgg ,nd .; yels m%;s,dNhka b;d by< fyhska" ta wjia:dfjka m%fhdack .ekSug forgu Wkkaÿ ù lghq;= l< hq;= njh'

ol=Kq bka§hdj iy Y%S ,xldj wd¾:sl Wm l,dmhla f,i ixj¾Okh lr,Su ms<sn|j úl%uisxy uy;d bÈßm;a l< ixl,amh ms<sn|j o fuys§ woyia yqjudre lr .eksKs'

fidakshd .dkaê uy;añh" wdpd¾h ukafudayka isx uy;d we;=¿ fldka.%ia mla‍Ifha fcHIaG yd ;reK uka;%Sjrekaf.ka iukaú; ¥; msßilg Y%S ,xldfõ ixpdrhla i|yd meñfKk f,i o w.%dud;H úl%uisxy uy;d wdrdOkd lf<ah' úfYaIfhkau Y%S ,xldj ks¾udKh lr,Sug wfmala‍Is; kj jHjia:dj yd ixj¾Ok ie,iqï ms<sn|j wjfndaOhla ,nd .ekSfï wjia:dj tu.ska Wodjk nj o Y%S ,xld ksfhdað; msßi fmkajd ÿkay'

úfoaY wud;H ux., iurùr" ixj¾Ok Wmdh ud¾. yd cd;Hka;r fj<| wud;H u,sla iurúl%u" úÿ,s ixfoaY yd äðg,a há;, myiqlï wud;H yÍka m%kdkaÿ"w.%dud;H f,alï iuka talkdhl" bkaÈhdfõ Y%S ,xld uyflduidßia Ñ;%dx.kS jd.SIajr" w.%dud;H w;sf¾l f,alï iuka w;djqofyÜá" miawjqreÿ ie,iqï m%OdkS w¾cqk ufyakao%ka iy Y%S ,xld uyflduidßia ld¾hd,hSh wud;H lms, f*dkafiald hk uy;ajreka o fï wjia:djg tla ù isáhy'

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