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weu;s jðrf.a l;dj
fydrekag Tlaiscka §ula
kS;sh ldg;a fmdÿhs
rkacka lshhs

;u wud;HdxYfha ks,OdÍkaj fmd,sia uQ,H wmrdO tallh u.ska le|jd ;sfnk wjia:djl§ Tjqkaj tu tallhg fkdheùug wud;H jðr wfí.=Kj¾Ok uy;d l< m%ldYh fydrekag Tlaiscka iemhSula nj ksfhdacH wud;H rkacka rdukdhl uy;d mjihs'

fyf;u fï nj mejeiqfõ" fld<U§ wo ^18od& meje;s udOH yuqjl§h'

tys§ woyia oelajQ rdukdhl uy;d"

˜‍wmrdO kvq úOdk ix.%y mk;ska lreKq okakd ´kEu wfhl= le|ùug fmd,Sishg yd fmd,Sishg iïnkaO wdh;kj,g n,h ;sfnkjd' fufyu ;sfhoaÈ jðr wfíj¾Ok weu;s;=ud" t;=udf.a wud;HdxYfha fiajlhkag t*a'iS'whs'ã'fhka le|ùula ;snqKdu Tyq lshkjd ˜‍hkak tmd uu n,d.kakï˜‍ lsh,d' tal yß mqÿu l;djla'

tal fydrekag Tlaiscka iemhSula f,i uu olskjd' wfma wud;HdxYfha ljqre yß t*a'iS'whs'ã' tflka" w,a,ia fldñifuka le|ùula ,enqfKd;a uu ta fiajlhdg jdykhla" uqo,a §,d hkak lshkjd'˜‍ hkqfjka mejiSh'

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