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Èhfò§ ñ bIdka
mKmsáka h,s f.or ths

fndaÜgq wk;=rlska ñ nj mejiq ëjr ;reKfhl= fndaÜgqjlska kej; jrdhg meñŒfï mqj;la .d,af,ka wikakg ,enqKd' miqj wkdjrKh ú we;af;a mqoa.,fhl= ñ njg ,enqKq f¾äfhda ix{d m‚úvhla jerÈhg jgyd .ekSu fya;=fjka fuu meg,su isÿj we;s njhs'

bIdka mq;d nyqÈk êjr hd;‍%dj êjrhska 6 fofkl= iuÕ .d,a, jrdfhka msg;aú we;af;a 27 jeksodhs' Bg Èk follg miqj tu hd;‍%dj ;j;a hd;‍%djl .eàfuka ;=jd, ,enq êjrfhl= urKhg m;ajqKd' .d,a, uyfudaor mÈxÑ tlaore msfhl= jk 21 yeúßÈ bIdka uxcq, fuf,i urKhg m;ajq nj .d,a, yïnkaf;dg we;=Æ ishÆ jrdhkag f¾äfhda ix{d u.ska okajd ;sfnkjd'

ta wkqj foayh ksjig /f.k tau i|yd ish,a, iqodkï lsÍug bIdkaf.a {d;ska mshjr .;a;d' tfy;a foayh /.;a êjr hd;‍%dj wk;=rg ,la bIdka mq;d êjr hd;‍%djo iuÕo .d,a, jrdh fj; meñfKñka isáhÈ kej; ,ndÿka f¾äfhda ix{d m‚úvfhka lshjqfka ñ nj mejiq ;reKhd ðj;=ka w;r isák njhs'

flfia fj;;a foayh /.;a hd;‍%dj wo fmrjre 7 g muK .d,a, jrdhg meñ‚ wjia;dfõÈ ñhf.dia we;af;a 22 yeúßÈ wújdylfhl= jk ið;a uOqixL nj wkdjrKh jqKd' ñ ið;a bIdka uxcq,f.a wi,ajeisfhla'

;reKhska {d;ska fpdaokd lrkafka êjr hd;‍%dj, we;s f¾äfhda ix{d wmyeÈ,s ùu fya;=fjka fuh isÿú we;s njhs'

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