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fydrf.d,a, len,s lr úl=Kd
ÿjf.a u.=, .;a; yeá
pkao%sld fy,slrhs

ckdêm;s Oqrfhka úY‍%du hoa§ ;uka wf;a uqo,a fkd;snQ nj ysgmq ckdêm;skS pkaøsld l=udr;=x. uy;añh .ïmy§ mej;s W;aij iNdjla wu;ñka lshd isáhdh'

ta jk úg ;u nexl= .sKqfï ;snqfka ,la‍I ;syla muKla nj;a ysgmq ckdêm;sjßhla f,i ;ukg ,efnkakg ;snQ ish¿ jrm‍%ido rdcmla‍I uy;d úiska lmd oeuQ njo weh tys§ mejiqjdh'

bka miq Ôj;a fjkakg uqo,a fidhd .ekSug mrïmrdfjka ;ukg Wreu jQ bvï úl=Kd oukakg isÿ jQ njo lS weh Èh‚hf.a újdy W;aijhg úhoï lf,a fydrf.d,af,ka wlalrhla úl=Kd fidhd .;a uqo,ska njo lSjdh'

;ukg w; ñg È.yer úhoï lrkakgo Wjukd ksid È.ska È.gu bvï úl=Kd oeuQ njo fï Èkj, ;j;a wlalr folla úl=Kkakg oud we;ehso weh jeä ÿrg;a tys§ mejiqjdh'

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