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úu,af.a ksjfia ;reKhdf.a
urKh >d;khla @
fya;=j fma%u iïNkao;djhla @ 

úu,a ùrjxY uy;df.a ksjiska yuq jQ u< isrer msgqmi wNsryila mj;sk nj;a fuu ;reKhdf.a urKh >d;khla úh yels nj;a  ta nj urK mÍlaIKfhkao ;yjqre jk nj wm fj; jd¾;dfõ' <ysre cks;a Èidkhl^24& keue;s fuu ;reKhdf.a fn,af,a msgqmi fmfofia hï myr§ul ,laIK fmkakqï lrk w;r Tyqf.a kdifhka f,a jykh ùulao olakg ,efí' fuu ,laIk wkqj fuu ;reKhdf.a yÈis urKh >d;khla nj ;yjqre fjñka ;sfí' 
;,x.u fmd,Sish fï iïnkaOfhka jeäÿr mÍlaIK isÿlrk w;r me;s .kkdjla Tiafia fuu mÍlaIK isÿlrk nj fmd,sia wdrxÑ ud¾. m%ldY lrhs' úfYaIfhkau fuu <ysre Èidkhl iy úu,a ùrjxY uy;df.a ÈhKsh w;r fma%u inO;djhg ìßh jk YIS ùrjxY ;Èkau úreoaOù we;s w;r ta iïnkaOfhka ks;r fomd¾YHjh w;r .egqïo ks¾udkh ú ;sfí' <ysref.a ksjio fuu ùrjxYf.a ksjig wdikakfhau msysgd we;s w;r ks;r fuu ksjig meñkSug fudyq fhduqú ;snqKs' thg uq,sl fya;=j fuu fmï ino;djhhs' fï ms,snoj woyia olajk ñh .sh ;reKhdf.a uj mjikafka urKh iïnkaOfhka ;ukag ielhla we;s njhs' 

;u mq;= hym;a fi!LH ;;a;ajfhka miqjQ nj;a mYapd;a urK mÍlaIkh isÿjk f;la n,d isák nj;a weh jeäÿrg;a ioyka lr we;' ;,x.u fmd,Sish fï iïnkaOfhka jeäÿr mÍlaIK isÿlrk w;r isoaêhg wod<j Bfha fmd,Sishg meñKs úu,a ùrjxY uy;df.a ìßh jk YIS ùrjxYf.ka yd úu,a ùrjxYf.a mq;a‍ úNQÈ úYajð;a ùrjxYf.ka §¾> lgW;a;rhla ,ndf.k we;'

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