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neis,af.a fn!oaOlu
froao m,af,ka fíf¾
Y%S mdoh mduq, bvula
wrdìhg úl=Khs

úYd, jYfhka ¥pk fpdaokdj,g ,laj we;s  mQiamd¾Ü neis,a rdcmlaY kï iqkLhdf.a fn!oaOlu froaom,af,ka fífrk nj ukdj Tmqmq lr we;s mqj;la  fï Èkj, iudccd, Tiafia  me;sfrñka mj;S' tkï Y%S mdo wvúhg fy<fldmagrhla niaijd we;s isoaêhla iïnkaOfhks' tu PdhdrEm iuÛska úúO l;d mqj;a  uefjñka mej;Su fya;=fjka tys i;H wi;H;dj ms<sn|j  wm fidhdne,Sug lghq;= l,d'

fuf,iska fy,sfldmagrh niaijd we;af;a Y%S mdoh mduq, msysgd we;s zzuf¾ j;a;ZZ kñka ye¢kafjk m%foaYhg jk w;r th k,a,;kaks fmd,sia jiug wh;a m%foaYhla njhs wmyg oek.kakg ,enqfKa' fuys we;s bvula uqia,sï cd;sl jHdmdßlhska msßila úiska ñ,§f.k we;s njg mqj;a jd¾;d jqKq w;r wm l< fidhdne,Sfï§ oek.kakg ,enqfKa tys i;H;djla we;s njhs'

fuu bvug uq,skau whs;sh ;sî we;af;a rcfha m%n, weu;sjrefhla jQ neis,a rdcmlaIg nj úYajdikSh wdrxÑ ud¾. Tiafia wmfj; f;dr;=re jd¾;djqKd' Y%S mdo wvúh mduq, fuu bvu ñ,§.;a neis,a rdcmlaI úiska tys ixpdrl fydag,hla bÈlsÍug msUqrem;a ilialr ;snQ kuq;a m%foaYjdiSkaf.a oeä úfrdaOh yuqfõ tu ld¾h lr.ekSug Tjqka we;=¿ msßilg yelshdj ,eî keye'

fï w;r ysgmq rch fmr<S hymd,k rch n,hg meñ”u;a iuÛska u;=jg fydag,h bÈlsÍfï ie,eiaula fkdue;sj neis,a rdcmlaI úiska fuu bvu fldaám;s uqia,sï jHdmdßlfhl=g úl=Kd ;sfnkjd'

tu wrdì jHdmdßlhska msßi fuys ixpdrl fydag,hla iEÈfï msUqrem;a iliñka isák njg jd¾;d jk w;r fuu jHdmdßlhka msßi fuys meueKs m<uq j;dj fuh fkdjk nj;a lsysm j;djla meñK ;sfnk nj;a i|yka'

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