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uÜglal=,sh fjä ;eîfï 
we;=,dka;h fy<sfjhs

uÜglal=,sh Mattakkuliya iñ;a mqr isÿjQ fjä ;eîfuka isõfofkl= urKhg m;aù" nrm;, ;=jd, ,enQ ;sfofkl= fld<U cd;sl frdayf,a oeäi;aldr tallfha m‍%;sldr ,nkjd'

frday,a  m‍%ldYsldjla ioyka lf<a bka fofofkl=f.a ;a;a;jh nrm;, jqj;a" Tjqkag Ôú; wjOdkula fkdue;s njhs'

fuh md;d, l,a,s w;r .egqul m‍%;sM,hla njghs fua jk úg wkdjrKh ù we;af;a'

fudjqka uq,a ld,fha oekg Ôj;=ka w;r ke;s m%n, foaYmd,{fhl=f.a wdOdrlrejka jk w;r" Tyqf.a urK;a iu. l,a,s lsysmhlg leã f.dia ;snqKd'
fjä mÛdrhg ,lajQ mqoa.,hska Bfha miajrefja t,af,a l%Svdj ioyd f.dia we;s w;r" tys§ ;j;a mqoa.,fhla iu. nyska niaùula we;slrf.k ;sfnkjd'

miqj Tjqka fudag¾ r:hlska iy ;s‍%frdao r:hlska tñka isáh§ uÜglal=,sh iñ;a mqr l=vq frdIdka kue;a;df.a ksji bÈßmsg§ fjä m‍%ydr t,a,lr ;snqKd'
;=jlal=lrejka à56 .skswúhla iy ;j;a l=vd .skswúhla Ndú;d lr we;s njghs f;dre;re wkdjrKh jkafka'

ta wdikak m%foaYfha ieÛù isg fuu fjä ;eîu isÿlr we;s w;r" m,mqreÿ ;=jlal=lrejka fua ioyd meñK we;s nj;a jd¾;d fjkjd'

fjä m%ydrhg ,laùfuka ñ yd ;=jd,d ,enQ wh w;r oekg nkaOkd.dr .;j isák m%n, md;d, idudðlfhla jk wdñ iïm;a iy f;dg<. ixL hk whf.a f.da,hka njhs mÍlaIK j,ska fy<S ù we;af;a'

fjä m‍%ydrhg meñKs wh fougf.dv pñkaof.a f.da,hska nj mejfikjd'

wmrdOh isÿjQ ia:dkfha ;sî à56 WKav fldmq 4la ñ,sóg¾ 9fha msiaf;daa, WKav fldmq 2lao fmd,Sish fidhdf.k ;sfnkjd'

fua iïnkaOfhka mÍlaIK fld<U wmrdO fldÜGdYhg mjrd ;sfnkjd'

fjä m‍%ydrfhka urKhg m;aj we;af;a jhi wjqreÿ 24;a 29;a w;r wh njghs f;dr;=re jd¾;d ù we;af;a'

urKlrejkaf.a kï my;ska n,kak…

1' kqjka ixÔj fmf¾rd - wjqreÿ 29 - iñ;a mqr" uÜglal=,sh'
2' fudfyduâ yqfiaka fudfyduâ kid¾ - wjqreÿ 29 - iñ;a mqr" uÜglal=,sh'
3' m%idoa p;=rx. fmf¾rd - wjqreÿ 24 iñ;a mqr" uÜglal=,sh'
4' fokqjka - wjqreÿ 26hs

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