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;u Èh‚hka fofokdg
tljr , w;jr lr
<ud Èkh ieurE
kreu mshd w,a,mq yeá

furg <ud wmpdr ms<sn|j mqj;a jd¾;d ùu fïjk úg iq,n isÿùula njg m;aj ;sfnkjd'

iudcuh iy ixialD;sl w;ska oeä .eg¿jlanjg m;aj ;sfnk fuu <ud wmpdr Wjÿr fya;=fjka furgg n,mE yels m%;sM, kï iq¿mgq jkafka keye'

fndfydaúg l=vd l< <ud wmpdrj,g f.dÿre jQ orejka jeäysáhka jQ úg úúO iudcuh .eg¿ iy fm!reI;ajh iïnkaO .eg¿j,g uqyqK §u fmkakqï lrkjd'

ish mjqf,a idudðlhska úiskau orejka wmpdrj,g f.dÿrelr.kakd mqj;a o fïjk úg b;d iq<n hs'

úfYaIfhka mshd w;ska oeßhka , w;jrhg ,la jQ isoaê fndfyda m%udKhla ld,h mqrdu jd¾;d jqKd'

tjka msfhl= ms<sn| kj;u mqj;la kdj,msáh m%foaYfhka jd¾;d jkafka ;rul fjkia wdldrfhka‍'

ta" tu mqoa.,hd ;u Èh‚hka fofokdu ;u my;a wdYdjka ixis÷jd .ekSug fhdod.;a ksid hs'

;j;a úfYaI ldrKdjla jkafka fuu mqoa.,hd ;u l=vd Èh‚hka fofokdg fuu wmrdOh isÿ lr we;af;a f,dalhu tlaj f,dal <ud Èkh ieurE m<uq fjksod ùu hs'

kdj,msáh bÕ=‍reTh m%foaYfha mÈxÑ fuu mqoa.,hdg f.dÿre jQ Tyqf.a Èh‚hka fofokd fïjk úg kdj,msáh Èia;%sla uyfrday,g we;=,;a lr we;s nj hs mejfikafka'

fuu <ud w;jrh isÿ l< mshd kdj,msáh fmd,Sish u.ska w;awvx.=jg .ekSug iu;a ù ;sfnkjd'

Tyq 52 yeúßÈ mqoa.,fhla'

w;awvx.=jg .ekSfuka wk;=rej wod< mqoa.,hd kdj,msáh ufyia;%d;ajrhd fj; bÈßm;a lsÍfuka wk;=rej ,nk 14jeks od olajd rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr .; lsÍug ksfhda. lr ;sfnkjd'

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