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úu,af.a uerhkaf.ka
fjí wvúj, l;=j/kag
urK ;¾ck

f.disma99 l;=jrfhl=g  lsisÿ lrorhla jQjfyd;a
th úu,a ùrjxY we;=Æ msßi j.lsj hq;=hs iufha r.mEu h,s;a úu,a ùrjxY r.kakg mgkaf.k we;' úu,af.a uerhka fjí wvúj,g l;a;D jrekag urK ;¾ck t,a, lr ish ksjfia ñ ,ysrekï ;reKhdf.a ishÆu m%jD;s .,jdoukakhs oukakehs n,mEï fldg f.disma99 l;=jrfhl=g wo iji urK;¾ck t,a,fldg we;'

zzf.or Wkag ke;s wud/j udOH ldrfhdkag fldfyo WU .kakj oeka wms f.aug neye, bkafk mßiaifuka ysgmka ZZ hkqfjka ;¾ckh fldg we;'

tmuKla fkdj úu,a úrjkaYf.a f.or g rjk fndfydafofkla ioykalrkafka úu,af.a my; foaYmd,k yeisÍu ksid wo orejka mjd jkaÈf.ùug isÿfjk njhs' c;sjdoh wjqiaiñka ix. fNaoh we;slrñka rfÜ ishÆ kdhlhkag wmyi lrñka ysßu,a jhfia isák orejkag mjd b;d my; jpkfhka wmyi lrñka lrk,o my;a m%ldY ksid úu,a ùrjxYg wo foúhka ÿka ovqjula f,ihs' fuh ÈÜg Oïu fõokSh l¾u f,i nqÿoyfï yÿkajhs' wog;a ;reKhdf.a urKh wìryila wÈlrKh újD; ;SrKla Èu ;=, urK mÍlaIK jd¾;dj Tiafia fuu ñks uerefï we;a; fidhd.; yelsjkq we;' 

fï jkúg;a úu,a ùrjxY ish ìßo udOHg bÈßm;alrñka ;ud ksjfia fkdisá nj m%ldYlrñka udOH u.yÍ' fndfyda wh ioyka lrkafka úu,a isxy kdo lrg wo nÆ flÈß .k mqoa.,hl= f,ihs' rdcmlaI,d lrk ieu fydrlulska fír.kak lg mdúÉÑ lrk úu,a wo ;u orejka iy ìßo fjkqjqka mphla lsùug bÈßm;a fkdùu ;=,u fuu urKfha ie.jqKq l;djla we;snj by, fmf,a wdrxÑud¾. okajd isà' wjia:djl§ Wvqfõ Oïuf,dal ysñhka w,s megjl= wkjifrka i.jdf.k isáh§ ta w,s megjd mkaif,a od,d .sh w,s megjl= lSug ;rÛ Tyq ;u lg W.ia lro wo ;u orejka fjkqfjka bÈßm;a fkdùu ;=, Tyq my; foaYmd,k wruqKq we;s mqoa.,hl= f,i fmfka'

 fï fudfydf;a udOHg meñK Tyqg wkd.;fha foaYmd,kfha le<,la we;sfjkjg jvdf.or orejka ì,a,g § fï fjf,a Tyqf.a foYmd,k  Èúh rl .ekSu tll wruqKhs úu,a hkq my; i;ajfhls'

miqj tu ;/Khdf.a ujf.a iy ñ;=rkaf.a b,a,Sulg wkqj wm Pdhd?m ish,a, bj;a lrkq ,nk w;r wm tu ;/Khdg fyda mjq,g lsisÿ wmyiq;djhla bgq lsÍug fkdj fuh wNsryila wêlrKh újD; ;SrKla Èu;=, jd¾:d lr isàula nj okajd isáuq'

kuq;a f.disma99 wdh;kfha fiajh lrk hï fiajhl=g meyer.ekSulafyda lsisÿ lrorhla jQfjd;a th úu,a ùrjxY we;=Æ msßi j.lsjhq;= nj fuhska okajd isákafkuq '

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