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ojigu t<shg .kafka meh 1$2hs
je,slv .sh ÿñkaog ,efnk
myiqlï fukak
fjf,a iqod;a <x fjhs

urK o~qju kshu jQ ysgmq md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ÿñkao is,ajd úfYaI wdrlaIdjla hgf;a je,slv nkaOkd.drfha iS-3 jdÜgqfõ /|ùug nkaOkd.dr ks,OdÍka lghq;= lr ;sfnkjd'

fougf.dv pñkao we;=¿ wfkl=;a pQÈ;hka isõfokdo tu jdÜgqfõu fjk fjku r|jk njhs jd¾;d jkafka'

je,slv nkaOkd.drfha iS-3 jdÜgqj urK oKavkh kshu jk pQÈ;hka r|jd ;eìu i|yd Ndú; lrk w;r tys fï jk úg pQÈ;hka y;<sia fokl= muK r|jd we;ehs nkaOkd.dr wdrxÑud¾. mjikjd' fj‍f,a iqod we;=¿ m%Odk fmf<a u;aøjH cdjdrïlrejka iy oreKq .Kfha wfkl=;a wmrdOlrejkao r|jd isákqfha fuu jdÜgqfõh' YdÍßl wjYH;d i|yd jeisls<s" kdk ia:dk tu isrueÈßj,u iukaú;h'

fuu jdÜgq ixlS¾Kfha fjka fjkaj isrl=á msysgd we;s w;r we;eï isrl=áj, isrlrejka ;sfokl= muK r|jd we;s njhs mejfikafka' oreKqu .Kfha wmrdOlrejka fjku isrueÈßj, r|jd we;s w;r ÿñkao is,ajdo tf,iu ;ks isrueÈßhl /|ùugghs nkaOkd.dr n,OdÍka lghq;= lr we;af;'

urK oKavkh ysñ jQ isrlrejka Èklg úkdä ;syl muK ld,hla jHdhdu i|yd isrueÈßj,ska msg;g .ekSu isÿ lrkq ,nhs' urK oKavkh ysñ jQ pQÈ;hl= ne,Su i|yd wjia:dj ,efnkafka i;shlg tla ojila mu‚'

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