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weu;s yÍka iu. isák
wdkafoda,kd;aul PdhdrEmh .ek
mshqñ lshk l;dj fukak
—ux wdihs w÷r.kak˜
mshqñ yßkaf.a Number tl b,a,hs

mshqï yixud,s lshkafka wo iudc fjí wvúj, fukau fndfyda fjí wvúj, úúO mqj;a ujkakshls' odmej;s ñia Y%S ,xld ;r.j,sfhka wk;=rej weh .ek úúO mqj;a iudc fjì wvú yryd me;srekd'

weu;s yÍka m%kdkaÿ iu. mshqñ yxiud,s fmkS isák wdkafoda,kd;aul PdhdrEm lsysmhla fï jk úg lsishï msßila wka;¾cd,hg tlalr ;sfnkjd'

Tjqka fofokd iómj isák fuu PdhdrEm ms<sn|j iudc cd, fjí wvúj, we;af;a oeä l;dnyla'

fuu PdhdrEm iïnkaOfhka ish woyia f.disma99 wm wehf.kau wykak ys;=jd'

mshqñ ta ms<snoj oelajQfha fujka woyila'

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