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úm;la fjkjd n,,d
i;=gq fjkak ;rï wudkqIsl keye
ysre‚ld lshhs - ^VIDEO&

j;auka rch n,hg m;afkdjqfhakï fuu ;Skaÿj fï whqßka m%ldYhg m;aùug fkd;snqkq njhs" md¾,sfïka;= uka;%s ysre‚ld fma%upkaø uy;añh kvq ;Skaÿfjka miq udOH fj; m%ldY lf<a'

flfkl=g úm;la isÿjkq n,d i;=gq jkakg ;rï wudkqISh fkdjk nj;a weh lshd isáhd'

tfy;a" ;ukag isÿjq widOdrKh fjkqfjka kS;sh yuqjg f.dia kS;sfha ms<sirK n,dfmdfrd;a;= jQ njhs" weh lshd isáfha'

Ndr; fma%upkaø uy;d >d;kh ùfuka miq ysre‚ld fma%upkaø uy;añh;a" wehf.a uj;a b;d ÿlanr ;;ajhlg m;ajQ nj o weh m%ldY l<d'

;ukag isÿjq wdidOdrKh fjkqfka ieuúgg idOdrKhla wfma%laId l< nj o to wo ysñjQ nj o jeäÿrg;a udOH fj; woyia weh lshd isáhd'

ùäfhdaj fu;kska

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