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Wodß Èkmq fj,dfõ
fõÈldfjka neye,d .sh mshqñ
bßishdj .ek lSj l;dj fukak
(VIDEO) Èfkl mej;s újdyl rE /ðK ;rÕfha§ mshqñ yxiud,s mrdch jQ wjia:dfõ fõÈldfjka w;r ta ms<sn|j fï jk úg iudccd, Tiafia l;dnyla we;sj ;sfnkjd'

mshqñf.a f*ianqla .sKqfï§ wm%isoaO fjí wvúhla Wmqgd olajñka weh m%ldYhla igyka lr we;s w;r thg m%;spdr olajd we;s fndfyda msßila úúO whqßka ;rÕh ms<sn|j woyia olajd ;sfnkjd'

fï w;r weh ;rÕhg fmr Èk bßishdj iïnkaOfhka ùäfhdajla wka;¾cd,hg tlalr ;sfnkafka ;j;a lsysmfofkl=o iuÕska'

fï tu ùäfhdafõ weh lS l;djhs''''
zzúfYaIfhka lshkak ´ks ñisia hqksj¾ia meckaÜ tfla wo ,diaÜ fâ tl' wms ojia y;rla fld.a., ysáhd' f.dvla i;=áka ysáhd'fïl meckaÜ tlla jqKdg tlaflfkla tla flfklag bßishd lrkafka kE'

fudlo ux ys;kafka idudkHfhka ;j flfkla ,iaikg wekafod;a ;j;a flfkla wksjd¾fhkau yßu fc,ia' ta;a fï rEï tfla bkak lÜáh thd thdg fohla ke;a;x gla.d,d fokjd'

wkak tal ;uhs ;sfhkak ´k' fudlo ,xldfõ wo tal ;uhs fkao vd,sx ke;af;uzz
tys ùäfhdaj my;ska'''''

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