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frdy, lsÜgqfjka rd.u Boseolo o
ksial,xl l=/KE.,ska rckdj o
oeka Blue Mountain fj;ska

ksial,xl Èúhlg k.rdikakfhka jákd bvï ,nd .ekSfï wjia:djla h,s;a Wodlrñka furg foam< fj<|dï lafIa;%fha m%uqL kduhla jk Blue Mountain  iud.u  rd.u iy l=/KE., me,afoksh m%foaYj,g weÆï lrk Tn ioyd Tnf.a tu isyskh h,s;a ienElr we;'

bvï len,s 20la iys;j rd.u ffjoH úoHd,hg ógr mkyl ÿßka msysgd we;s fuh Boseolo f,i kï jk w;r rd.u frdy,g ;;ajemr mkyl jeks ld,hl§o rd.y ÿïßh ia:dkhg úkdähl§o lvj; wêfõ.S msúiqug úkdä yhl jeks ld,hl§ ,.dúh fuu ia:dkfha isg ,xúh yelsh'

Blue Mountain mdßfNda.slhka Wfoid ;s<sk lrk wfkla wjia:dk jkafka bvï len,s 27la iys;j lSks.iamsáh m%Odk ud¾.hg uqyqk,d msysá fuh rckdj biafÜÜ f,i kï lr we;s w;r oejeka; ldmÜ we;s? uxudj;a iys; fuys isg mq;a;,u m%Odk ud¾.hg úkdähla jeks ld,hl§ ,.dúhyels w;r ÿjdo/jkag fjkajq <ud WoHdk j,ska iukaú; fuh iajdNdoyu wmq¾j;ajfhka wkQk jQ fidÿ/ jgmsgdjlska hqla;h' leianEj Vieonto ms<snoj wm f.k wd mqj;g mdGl Tn f.kwd m%;spdr ioyd wm ia;+;s jkafkuq' mqj; m< lsÍug fmr úlskSug we;s bvï len,s ms<snoj fm!oa.,slj oekqï fok f,i l< b,a,Su f.diama99 wmg l< fkdyenj;a tys mq¾K j.lSu Blue Mountain iud.u i;=j we;s nj;a ioyka l< hq;=' Tng wjYH ishÆu f;dr;=/ Blue Mountain iud.fï mdßfNda.s fiajd wxlh jk 011 2 515253 u.ska ,nd.; yelsh

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