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weu;s iqÔjf.a fidfydhqrd
wjkay,l hld kghs

rdcH weu;s iqÔj fiakisxyf.a fidfydhqrd fld<U msysá wjkay,l§ Bfha rd;%s ;j;a wfhl= iuÕ oeä jpk yqjudrejla iy wdrjq,la we;s lr .;af;ah'

Iñkao hkqfjka y÷kd.;a wfkla mqoa.,hdg" jD;a;sfhka ffjoHjrfhl= jk kdu,a fiakisxy ;u fidfydhqrdf.a foaYmd,k n,h ish;g .ksñka ;¾ckh lr nek jeÿfkah'

;ud isxy, fn!oaOfhl= nj kdu,a tys§ wjOdrKh lr we;af;a" wfkld /jq, jjdf.k isá ksid Tyq tfia fkdjk njg is;d'

;u f*ianqla msgqfõ igykla ;nk Yñkao lshd isákafka" fuu wjuka iy.; yeisÍu iïnkaOfhka kdu,a l=uk whqrlska fndre f.d;d ksoyig lreKq mjihs o hkakhs'

tfukau" fuu isoaêfhka miqj ;ukag l=uk brKula w;a fõo hkak ms<sn|j Tyq ìfhka isà'
fï iïnkaofhka uq,a ùäfhdaj tla lr we;af;a ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;df.a mq;a frdays; rdcmla‍I uy;d úiskah'

kdu,a óg jir lsysmhlg fmr u¾úka is,ajdf.a mq;a ud,l iy Tyqf.a wdrlaIlhska w;ska fld<U wjkay,l§ myr lEug ,la úh'

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