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,xldfõ oejeka;u mdmeÈ ijdßh
weu;s yßka iy weu;s ohdisßf.a
uq,sl;ajfhka wdrïNfõ

Y%s ,xld fg,sfldïys m%j¾Ok jevigykla f,i slt speed up mdmeÈ ijdßh ms<noj Èkj, f;dr;=/ iudcH udOH Tiafia idlÊPdjg nÿka úh'

flfia kuq;a wo WoEik slt speed up mdmeÈ ijdßh Y%s ,xld fg,sfldïys uq,ia;dk mßY%h wi,ska wdrïN úh' ta úÿ,s ixfoaY yd äðg,a há;, myiqlï wud;H yÍka m%kdkaÿ iy l%Svd wud;H ohdisß chfialr uy;df.a m%odk;ajfhka meje;ajqks'
fuh ldka;d yd msßñ fldgia fol ioydu mj;ajk w;r ldka;d ;r.h wo wïn,kaf.däka wjikaùug kshñ;hs' kuq;a msßñ ;r.h Èk y;rlg iSudjk w;r th 30od uvl,mqfjka wjika ùug kshñ;hs'  wo Èk wdrïN Wk fuu ;r.h m<uq Èkh f,i ud;ßka wjikaúug kshñ;hs fojk Èkh f,i fyg ^28& Èk ud;r isg r;akmqrh olajd;a f;jkÈk ^29& r;akmqr isg uykqjr olajd;a f;jk Èk ^30&  uykqjr isg uvl<mqj k.rfhka wjika ùug kshñ;nj jdr:dfõ'

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