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rEmjdyskS .=jkaúÿ,s kd<sldj,
.=jka ld,fhka 80]lau
fjkalrkafka wdKavqj úfõpkhg
udOH lafIa;%h idOdrK úh hq;=h

wo we;eï rEmjdyskS kd<sld iy .=jkaúÿ,s kd<sld ;u .=jka ld,fhka ishhg 80lau fjka lrkafka wdKavqj úfõpkh lsÍug nj;a rfÜ ixj¾Ok lghq;= iy wdKavqfõ m%;sm;a;s ms<sn|j ck;dj oekqj;a lsÍug jeh lrkafka ishhg 20la nj;a ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d mejiSh'

Bfha ^07& fmrjrefõ úÿ,s ixfoaY kshduk fldñIka iNdfõ yÈis ksÍlaIK pdßldjl ksr; fjñka ckdêm;sjrhd fï nj wjOdrKh lf<ah'

rch úfõpkh lsÍu ms<sn|j lsisÿ .eg¨‍jla fkdue;s uq;a idOdrK iy iunr f;dr;=re ck;dj w;rg f.k hñka ;u udOH j.lSu rg fjkqfjka bgq lsÍu ms<sn|j udOH wdh;k fj; u.fmkaùfï jeo.;alu ms<sn|jo ckdêm;sjrhd ks,OdÍkag wjYH Wmfoia ,nd ÿkafkah'

tfukau th lsisfia;au udOH u¾okhla i|yd lrk lghq;a;la fkdjk w;ru ck;djg yrj;a udOH Ndú;hla ms<sn| whs;sh ,nd§u fjkqfjka flfrk jevms<sfj<la njo ckdêm;sjrhd wjOdrKh lf<ah'

tfukau úÿ,s ixfoaY kshduk fldñIka iNdfõ wdh;ksl jHqyh ckdêm;sjrhdf.a ksÍlaIKhg ,lajQ w;r wdh;kfha we;s mqrmamdvq i|yd iqÿiqlï we;s ks,OdÍka läkñka n|jd .kakd f,i;a wod< wxY fj; ckdêm;sjrhd Wmfoia ,nd ÿkafkah'

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