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jir 17lg miq TiafÜ‍%,shdj
wNsnjd Y‍%S ,xldjg
ft;sydisl ch.‍%yKhla

Y‍%S ,xld fgiaÜ C%slÜ lKavdhu 17 jirlg miq TiafÜ‍%,shdj wNsnjd wo ft;sydisl ch.‍%yKhla w;alr .;a;d' óg fmr wjika jrg 1999 jif¾ Y‍%S ,xldfõ mej;s ;,shl§ TiafÜ‍%,shdj mrdch ù we;'

fjdaka - uqr,sorka fgiaÜ C%slÜ ;rÕdj,sh hgf;a m,af,alef,a C%Svd msáfha wo wjika jq m<uq fgiaÜ ;r.fhka ,l=Kq 106l chla jd¾;d lsÍug Y‍%S ,xldj iu;a úh'

fuu ;r.h mqrdu úáka úg whym;a ld,.=Kh yria úh' ta ksid wo ;rÕh wdrïNh o mud jQ w;r" Bfha Èkfha§ o ;rÕhg j¾Idfjka ndOd meñKqkd'

Y‍%S ,xld lKavdhu fuu ;rÕfha m<uq bksfï§ 117la o ´iafÜ‍%,shdj 203lao .;a;d'l=i,a fukaäia ,nd .;a ,l=Kq 176;a iuÕ Y‍%S ,xld fojk bksu wjika jqfKa ,l=Kq353la f,ihs'

fuu fgiaÜ ;r.fha wjika Èkh jQ wo ,l=Kq 268l ch.‍%dyS b,lalhla yUd .sh ´iafg‍%,shdjg ish,a,ka oeù /ialr .; yels jQfha ,l=Kq 161 la mu‚'

úYsIag mkaÿ heùul ksr;jQ rx.k fyar;a m<uq bksfï§ lvqÆ 4 la iy fojk bksfï§ lvqÆ 5 la ,nd.;a w;r ,laIdka i|leka m<uq bksfï§ lvqÆ 4 la iy fojk bksfï§ lvqÆ 3 la ,nd.;a;d'

ft;sydisl ;r.fha úYsIag bksula C%Svd l< l=i,a fukaäiag ;r.fha ùrhd iïudkh ysñjqkd'

fojk fgiaÜ ;r.h wf.daia;= 4 jkod .d,a, cd;Hka;r C%Svdx.Kfha§ wdrïN ùug kshñ;hs'

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