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uy nexl= uy mqgqjg m%n, kï yhla‌ 
ckdêm;sjrhd yd w.ue;sjrhdf.a ;Srkh iÿod @

fï jkúg wdkafoda,khg ,laj ;sfnk uy nexl= wÈm;sjrhd m;alsÍfï isoaÈh iïuq;sjd§ wdKavqfõ ishqfldka foorhug mgkaf.k we; oehs liql=iqjg Ndckh ù we;'

fï jkúg wdkafoda,khg ,laj ;sfnk uy nexl= wÈm;sjrhd m;alsÍfï isoaÈh iïuq;sjd§ wdKavqfõ ishqfldka foorhug mgkaf.k we; oehs liql=iqjg Ndckh ù we;'
ta fukau fïjkúg ck;d ksfhdað;hska kj  uy nexl= wÈm;sjrfhla m;alsÍu ioyd ckÈm;sjrhdg iy w.ue;skrhdg oekqï § we;s w;r tu mqoa.,hd uyd nexl=fõ fජiagfhla fyda iajd§k mqoa.,hl= ùu tu iqÿiq nj ishÆfokd leu;a; ù  we;'

uy nexl=fõ wêm;sOqrh i|yd yhfokl=f.a kï fhdackd ù we;s w;r ta wh w;ßka ljqreka m;a lrkafkao hkak ms<sn|j ckdêm;sjrhd yd w.ue;sjrhd i,ld n,ñka isá;s'

tu yh fokd w;r isák kkao,d,a ùrisxy uy;d uy nexl=fõ ksfhdacH wêm;sjrhd f,i lghq;= lrñka isák w;r Tyq cd;Hka;r uQ,H wruqof,a úl,am úOdhl wOHla‍Ijrhl= f,i jir follg jeä ld,hla‌ lghq;= lr we;'

uy nexl=fõ ysgmq ksfhdacH wêm;sjrhl= jk ví,sõ' ta' úf–j¾Ok uy;d 2000 jif¾ isg 2009 jir ola‌jd tys ksfhdacH wêm;sjrhd f,i lghq;= lr we;s w;r tu ld,h ;=< Y%S ,xld nexl= lrejkaf.a wdh;kfha iNdm;s f,io lghq;= lr ;sfí'

Y%S ,xld m%;sm;a;s wOHhk wdh;kfha úOdhl wOHla‍Ijrhl= jk iuka lef,a.u uy;df.a kuo uy nexl= wêm;sOqrh i|yd fhdackd ù we;' l¾udka; wud;HdxYfha wd¾:sl WmfoaYljrfhl= f,i o lghq;= lr we;s lef,a.u uy;d f,dal nexl=fõ WmfoaYljrhl= f,io lghq;= lr we;'

w.%dud;H fcHIaG WmfoaYljrhl= jk pß; r;aj;a; uy;d NdKa‌vd.dr f,alïjrfhl= f,i lghq;= lrñka isák w;r ta uy;df.a ku o uy nexl= wêm;sOqrh i|yd fhdackd ù ;sfí'

,,s;a iurfldaka uy;d uQ,H lghq;= ms<sn| uydpd¾hjrfhla‌ iy wd¾:sl úfYaI{fhla‌ fjhs' ;jo ta uy;d Y%S chj¾Okmqr úYajúoHd,fha fcHIaG l:sldpd¾hjrfhl= f,io lghq;= lr ;sfí'

cd;sl udkj iïm;a ixj¾Ok uKa‌v,fha iNdm;sjrhd jk ÈfkaIa ùrla‌fldä uy;d o uy nexl= wêm;sOqrh i|yd fhdackd jQ wh w;r fõ' jir ;=kla‌ fldu¾I,a nexl=fõ iNdm;sjrhd f,i lghq;= lr we;s ùrla‌fldä uy;d w.ue;s ld¾hd,fha WmfoaYljrhl= f,i 2003)2004 ld,fha fiajh lr we;'

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