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ckm;s iy w.ue;sf.ka
rduidka Wf<,g iqn me;=ï

bia,dï ne;su;=ka wo ^06& rduidka W;aijh iurkq ,nkjd' mqrd udihl ld,hla Wmjdifha ksr; jQ furg bia,dï ne;su;=ka Bfha rd;‍%sfha kj i| oelSu;a iu. tu Wmjdi iuh wjika l<d'

foaj;ajh iy ukqIH;ajh w;r ióm ine¢hdjla iksgqyka lrñka lfhka iy ukiska ixjr jQ wOHd;añl mdßY=oaO;ajh ixfla;j;a lrk Bÿ,a *s;¾ Wf<, iurk uqia,sï ck;djf.a ishÆ m‍%d¾:kdjka iM, fõjdhs ckdêm;s ffu;‍%Smd, isßfiak uy;d iqNdisxYk m< lrkjd'

ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka ckdêm;sjrhd fmkajd fokafka f,daljdiS uqia,sï m‍%cdj tlu wruqKla fj; tald;añlj ishÆ ;DIaKdjkaf.ka w;añ§ ohdj" fifkyi" iduh" ixys¢hdj iy mß;Hd.YS,S;ajh jeks .=Kdx. ;=,ska iuia; udkj iudch j¾Kj;a lrk njhs'

w.‍%dud;H rks,a úC%uisxy uy;do bia,dï ne;su;=kaf.a rduidka W;aijh fjkqfjka iqNme;=ï m‚úvhla ksl=;a lr ;sfnkjd' rduidka ld,iSudfõ§ bia,dï ne;su;=ka m‍%.=K lrk lemùu wd;au oukh fukau iudkd;au;djh iy mß;Hd.YS,S;ajh cd;sl iu.shg fukau ixys¢hdjgo uyÕ=‍ wdo¾Yhla njhs tys oelafjkafka'

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