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rks,a - pkao%sld iu. kgmq keá,s 
úu,a isysm;a lrhs

w.‍%dud;H rks,a úC%uisxy uy;d iy md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S úu,a ùrjxY uy;d w;r md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ Bfha ^20& WKqiqï ixjdohla we;s úh'

ta" cd;sl ixys¢hdj i|yd jQ ld¾hidOl n<ldfha iNdm;s f,i ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl l=udr;=x. uy;añh lghq;= lrkafkaoehs úu,a ùrjxY uy;d weiQ m‍%Yakh;a iu.h'

Bg ms<s;=re ÿka cd;sl m%;sm;a;s yd wd¾:sl lghq;= rdcH weue;s ksfrdaIka fmf¾rd uy;d i|yka lf<a tjeks wdh;khla msysgqjd fkdue;s njhs'

ta ms<sn| ùrjxY uy;d ;jÿrg;a m%Yak l< fyhska" ysgmq ckdêm;sksh merKs ñ;=rka neúka úu,a ùrjxY uy;dgu wid oek.; yels nj Bg ms<s;=re foñka w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d mejiqfõh'

tfy;a oeka wÆ;a ñ;=rka ù we;af;a w.ue;sjrhd neúka m%Yakhg ms<s;=rla ,nd fok f,i úu,a ùrjxY uy;d i|yka lf<ah'

tys§ rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d mejiqfõ ;uka iy ysgmq ckm;sksh l=vd l< isgu okakd lshk wh njhs' kegqï bf.k .;af;a o tl mka;sfha nj;a fyf;u mejish'

ljqre l<;a fyd| foaj,a-

w.ue;sjrhd jeäÿrg;a fufiao mejish'

uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ixys¢hdj we;slf<a hqo wêlrKhg yuqodj fhduqlr,d lshk tl ms<s.;a; tlg Tn;=udg ia;+;sjka; úhhq;=hs' hqo wêlrKhg tlÛ jQjdo keoao lshd 2009 nekals uQka iuÛ w;aika l< jd¾;dj;a ysgmq kS;sm;s fudydka mSßia oreiaudka .sys,a,d lshmq foaj,a neÆju jgyd .kak mq¿jka'

fuh fkfjhs oeka isÿúh hq;af;a' hqoaOfha § fomd¾Yajfhau ñksiqka uereKd' ixys¢hdj we;sl< hq;=hs' lreKd lr,d Tn;=udf.a woyia bÈßm;a lrkak' pkao%sld fkfjhs ljqre l<;a fyd| foaj,aj,g iydh Èh hq;=hs'


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