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nkaOkd.dr wêldßh úiska
kdu,ag meÿr fjkqjg fuÜghla

ue.iska nkaOkd.drfha ßudkaâ .;lr isák md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;dg ksod.ekSug /|úhkag iqmqreÿ meÿr fjkqjg fuÜghla ,nd§ug nkaOkd.dr wêldßh úiska mshjr f.k ;sfí'

;ukag ksod.ekSu i|yd fuÜghla ,nd fokakehs kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;d l< b,a,Su i,ld n,d nkaOkd.dr frday,a ffjoHjrhd úiska fok ,o ks¾foaYh u; fuÜghla ,nd§ug nkaOkd.dr wêldßh lghq;= fhdod we;'

kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;d ‍fhda. jHdhdu lrñka wksla /|úhkag o W.kajñka iqjfia ue.iska nkaOkd.drfha fjfik njg m<jQ mqj;a ms<sn|j nkaOkd.dr flduidßia" udOH m%ldYl ;=Idr Wmq,afo‚h uy;df.ka isÿl< úuiSul§ ta uy;d mejiQfha th uq¿ukskau wi;Hhla njhs'

/|úhkag fhda. jHdhdu fyda YdÍßl wNHdi mqyqKqjla ,nd fokafka kï th isÿlrkafka tu lafIa;%fha m%ùKhl= uÕska nj;a" ;j;a tla /|úhl= úiska ;j;a /|úhl=g fjk;a fhda. mqyqKq fyda lsisÿ mqyqKqjla ,nd§ug nkaOkd.dr fomd¾;fïka;=j lsisfia;a wjir ,nd fkdfok nj;a Wmq,afo‚h uy;d lshhs'

kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;d /|úhkag fhda. jHdhdu W.kajkafka hehs úmlaIfha tla;rd foaYmd,k{hl= miq.shod l< m%ldYh uq¿ukskau m%;slafIam lrk nj o Wmq,afo‚h uy;d mjihs'

kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;dg fï jk úg wjir ,nd § we;af;a ksjiska /f.k tk wdydr ,nd.ekSug;a Tyqg nkaOkd.drfhka ,ndfok meÿr fjkqjg fuÜghla Ndú; lsÍu muKla hehs o Wmq,afo‚h uy;d i|yka lrhs'

ue.iska nkaOkd.drfha t,a' à' à' B' iellrejka r|jd we;s neúka kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;d fjkq‍fjka fÊ,¾jrfhl= o fhdojd úfYaI wdrlaIdjla tu nkaOkd.drh ;=< ,nd § we;'

fï w;r Bfha ^14& kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;df.a iqjÿla ùuiSug ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI" fhdaIs; iy frdays; rdcmlaI uy;ajreka iy taldnoaO úmlaIfha uka;%Sjreka lsysmfokl= o" ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d o" ue.iska nkaOkd.drh fj; f.dia ;sfí' ßudkaâ Ndrfha isák md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjrhl= jYfhka kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;dg imhd we;s myiqlï ms<sn| fidhd ne,Su i|yd ksfhdacH l:dkdhl ;s,x. iqu;smd, uy;d o Bfha ue.iska nkaOkd.drh fj; f.dia ;sfí'

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