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pkaøsld fkdakdj;a fufyu lf<a kE
uyskao lshhs

;u wdKavqj ld,fha úfrdaO;d mj;ajoa§ tajdg ndOd fkdl< nj ysgmq ckm;s yd j;auka md'u uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d mjihs'

taldnoaO úmlaIfha mdo hd;%dj wo udjke,a," ysÕ=‍, m%foaYfhka wjika lsÍfuka miq /iaj isá ck;dj wu;ñka ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd fï nj mejish'tys§ Tyq lshd isáfha pkaøsld nKavdrkdhl ysgmq ckm;sjßhj;a fujeks oE fkdl< njhs'

.s,ka r:j,g ndOd meñ‚fha fukau" wo fuu ia:dkfha ud¾.h wjysr jQfha fmd,Sisfha wcQ; l%shdl,dmh ksid nj;a" ke;skï fujekakla fuu ia:dkfha we;s fkdjk nj tys§ /iaj isá msßi weu;= md'u úu,a ùrjxY uy;d mejiSh'

fï w;r md .uk w;r;=r .egfò úydria:dkh wdikakfha§ isÿjQ myr§ulska uykqjr fm!oa.,sl frday,lg wh;a .s,ka r:hlg w,dN ydks ùu .ek mÍlaIKhla wdrïNlr ;sfí'

fmd,sish i|yka lf<a fmardfo‚h frday,g frda.shl= /f.k hdug .uka .;a .s,ka r:hla fufia myr§ug ,laj we;s njhs'

ta wkQj fuu isoaêh iïnkaOfhka uykqjr ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKhg lreKq bÈßm;a lr bÈß úu¾Yk isÿlrk nj fmd,Sish lshhs'

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