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trxo;S rxf.a nKavdr iy
trkao je,swxf.a újdyh wo

trkaof.a foaYmd,k Èúfha
mru y;=rdf.a WmkaÈkh;a woÆ

cd;sl ;reK fiajd iNdfõ j;auka iNdm;s kS;S{ trkao je,swxf.a ish Ôú;fha kj ixêia:dkhla miqlrñka wo Èk ^22& újdy Èúhg mshjr tiúh'

Tyqf.a Ôú;fha wkd.; iyldßh f,i w;.;a ukd,sh jkafka" tlai;a cd;sl mla‍Ifha mq;a;,u Èia;‍%Sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S wud;H md,s; rxf.a nKavdr uy;;df.a wdorKSh ÈhKsh jk trka;s rxf.a nKavdr fukúhhs'

‘‘fld<U iskuka .‍%EkaÙ‘‘ fydag,fha fï fudfydf;a meje;afjk ux., W;aijfha‍ ckdêm;s ffu;‍%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ukd,shf.a md¾Yjh fjkqfjkq;a w.‍%dud;H rks,a úC%uisxy uy;d ukd, md¾Yjh fjkqfjkq;a idla‍Is ;nkakg iyNd.s ùu úfYaI;ajhls'

f.disma99 wms Tn fom,g iqN újdy Èúhlg wdisß m;kafkus !!!

kuq;a wmg wdrxÉjk wmq/ isÿùu kï trkao je,swx. uy;df.a foaYmd,kfha mru y;=rdjk  jk ;sjxl lmqf.a uy;df.a WmkaÈkho wo Èkg fh§ ;sfnk njg f.disma99 wmg j¾:dfõ ' flfia kuq;a ñ;=rxj isá fuu fom< fuh fuf,i isÿfjshehs lsisod fkdis;kakg we;hs fudjqkaf.a ñ;=rkaf.a woyihs'

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